When playing The Sims 4, your Sim may have a mind with deeper thoughts and wants. Fears are one of those mechanics that you often can't fully control. Thankfully, you can take a couple of routes to reign in those fears about your Sim's career and return to normal ASAP.
How to cure fear of dead-end job with a potion in Sims 4
If you don't have a lot of time to waste, consider using a potion to fix your Sim's fears of having a dead-end job. The Fear-Be-Gone Potion will help your Sim immediately fix their career fear, but it will only eliminate one fear per drink. To get the potion, go to the Aspiration Rewards Store and pay 300 points to order it for your Sim. From there, click on the potion in your inventory and choose for your Sim to drink.
Related: All Sims 4 Aspirations
How to get rid of dead-end job fear with Regain Passion in Sims 4

For those who don't want to go the potion route, patience will be required. Keep tabs on the bubbles above that Sim's head. You'll eventually see a shape with spikes instead of the normal bubble. This spiked shape will urge you to help your Sim get a passion for their career again. Go to your Sim at this point and choose Regain Passion. This will help them for quite a while, but the fear could always come back.
Want to read more about The Sims 4? If so, check out How to Study Opponents in The Sims 4 on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 5, 2023 02:33 pm