If you want to cure a Sim's problems quickly, some creativity is sometimes required to get it done. The Sims 4 gives you a couple of ways to fix the problem of fearing unfulfilled dreams.
The main options are to choose to use a potion or talk to another Sim to remedy the issue. But what about turning off the feature entirely?
How to get cure unfulfilled dreams in The Sims 4

If you want to get rid of your Sim's fear of having unfulfilled dreams, you'll have to wait for an opportunity for them to vent their frustrations towards you. Look out for a spiky bubble symbol above your Sim's picture in the bottom corner of the UI (this is where the Sims portraits are). When this bubble comes with their fear displayed, they'll be given an opportunity to remedy this by hashing it out with other Sims. Click on any other Sim that is near and select Discuss Fears. This will give your Sim temporary but noticeable relief from their anxious feelings.
Is there a potion to cure fears in The Sims 4?
You may not want to make your Sim have conversations with others to relieve their anxiety, and instead you can take a look at the Aspiration Rewards Store. Once you go into the store, you can find the Fear-Be-Gone Potion for 300 points. Earn the necessary points by completing your Sim's desires, such as wanting to buy a new oven. Use the Fear-Be-Gone Potion to get rid of any singular fear. More potions are required to be purchased for curing multiple fears.
How to turn off wants & fears permanently in The Sims 4

Can you remove wants & fears in Game Options in The Sims 4?
Maybe you don't want to bother with any of the fears/wants system mechanics in The Sims 4. Good news is, you can just turn the feature off to get rid of it! All you have to do is follow these quick steps to remove the feature from your gameplay:
- Click the three horizontal dots in the top right corner of the screen
- Select the Game Options button
- Go to the Gameplay tab
- Uncheck the box that says Show Wants & Fears
- Finally, hit Apply Changes in the bottom right of the menu
Want to read more about The Sims 4? If so, check out the best Sims 4 build cheats – codes for easy building on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 12:28 pm