Unique spots crop in many locations in Star Ocean the Second Story R. You can find one in almost every town and city, and sometimes they will pop up around the map too.
All unique spot locations and rewards in Star Ocean the Second Story R
Note: the Unique Spots in this guide are in the order you will find them in the game, not in numerical order.
Unique spots are new to the remake of Star Ocean 2, and there are some Challenge Missions connected to getting as many of these as possible. In order to get all the missions, you will need to find at least 30 of the 36 total unique spots and interact with them.
- Beginner Challenge Mission: Find 5 Unique Spots; Reward: FOL 500, SP 5
- Expert Challenge Mission: Find 15 Unique Spots; Rewards: FOL 1000, SP 5, Formation Tri-Shift 1.
- Legend Challenge Mission: Find 30 Unique Spots; Reward: FOL 100000, SP 5, Variable Volt weapon.
1: Arlia

Located in the starting town, you can find this right near Rena's home. You will earn 50 EXP and two Resurrection Elixirs for interacting with this Unique Spot.

2: Salva Mines unique spot's location

There is a unique spot called Quietly Gleaming Minerals in the Salva Mines. The reward is some EXP, two Rubies, and two Silver.

5: Krosse Castle

There is a painting on the stairs heading toward the King's audience chamber in Krosse Castle. Head up the stairs from reception, then go to the left when the stairs branch in both directions. There will be a glowing spot in the middle of these steps; interacting with it will earn you 100EXP and Portrait A.

7: The Krosse Caves unique spot

In the end of the Krosse caves, there is a circle of treasure chests surrounding the Jade Green Columns; interact with the pillar of light there to receive 500 EXP and three Green Beryls.

8: Kurik (Missable)

In spite of the fact that the Old Lighthouse survives the catastrophe in Kurik, this unique spot is only available before the tidal wave takes out the town. When you interact with this spot, you'll be rewarded with 500 EXP and a Lunar Tailsman+.

9: Marze

This unique spot is location immediately to the right of the entrance of Celine's hometown. After interacting with the Monument, you'll get 500 EXP for your trouble.

3: Dawn-Lit Cascades on the world map

The Dawn-Lit Cascades are found along the path on the map to the Port. If you pick this one up, you'll get a Benefaction card and 100 EXP.

10: The Emperor of Fish in Expel

This unique spot is right inside the town, between the water and the stairs up to the second level of the town. It gives 500 EXP and five Fishy Fragrance to help with fishing.

13: Lacuer Academy in Linga

Before heading into Lacuer Academy, make sure to get the unique spot for a whole lot of rewards. You'll get EXP 500, All About Herbs 2, Pocket Encyclopedia 2, Secrets of the Earth 2, and Life in Nature 2.

12: Statue of the 3 Warriors in Lacuer City

The Statue of the 3 Warriors is in the center of the town Lacuer, and it gives three Scrolls of Power.

15: A Grand Burial Ground in the Sacred Grounds of Linga

Right before the end of the Sacred Grounds of Linga, before battling the final boss, there is a glowing spot among the giant bones. Interact with this to get 1000 EXP and five Goddess Statuettes.

14: Gift from the Sky on the world map

The Gift from the Sky is found on the map; head north from Linga up across the bridge. There will be several treasure chests along the way. The rewards are 2000 EXP and a Meteor Ring+. The Ring is a magical ring that gives the wearer extra attacks; you get +1 attack hits and Break Up, which is a boost to breaking down enemy shields.

11: Hilton's Open-Air Market in the Port of Hilton

You will be rewarded with EXP 500 and three Cinderella Glassed if you interact with the Open-Air Market's unique spot. It's just down the stairs at the entrance of town.

16: The Glint of Hidden Power in Hoffman's Ruins

The Glint of Hidden Power is a vein of Energy Stone in the Ruins. This spot gets you a Light Cross, which is a trinket imbued with strong magic that doubles the MP of the wearer, and deals 150% damage to enemy leaders. You'll also get 1000 EXP.

17: The Lacuer Hope in the Front Line Base

The Lacuer Hope is the second unique spot in Lacuer; it's found on the roof of the Front Line Base. The rewards is 1000 EXP and an X Clip.

18: The Claw Marks of Calamity on Ell's world map

Once you end up on the continent of Ell, there will be a unique spot in the middle part of the continent all the way to the east along the coast. Head direction east from the hole in the center of Ell. You'll get 1000 EXP and a Moonlight, equipment that grants +20 to Max MP and Max HP.
Related: How to unlock the Pickpocketing ability in Star Ocean 2 Remake

19: Where Monsters Rule in Eluria Tower

Immediately inside the Tower on the left-hand stairs, you will find an Investigation spot. This unique location will give you 1000 EXP and an item called the Scream. This is a battle item that casts the spell Demon's Gate.

24: The Otherworldly Garden in Centropolis

This is probably the easiest of all the unique spots to miss. After being teleported down to Nede, you will end up in an elevator connected to an office building. Head back up the elevator to the gardens, then head south. The unique spot light will be toward the bottom part of this map. As a reward, you'll earn 10,000 EXP and five Revival Cards.

33: Faded City of the Future

The second is in the city's center, near all the shops and inns. checking out the Faded city will reward you with 10,000 EXP and one Amoeba Soup.

27: Nedepedia in North City

Before heading into the Breeding Facility, go into the library, which is located to the left of the Facility. Right inside the front door, there will be a Investigation light. You'll get 10,000 EXP and a bunch of books: Operation Manual 3, Engineer's Handbook 3, Hermetic Book 3, and The Bestiary 3.

28: Crimson Prisms in the Cave of Crimson Crystals

From the entrance of the caves, head to the right, then up. Once there is a fork, turn left and jump down the jumping spot. Keep heading to the left until you run into an all-red room. This is where the unique spot is located. This will get you five Rainbow Diamonds and 10,000 EXP.

32: A Whimsical Fairground in Fun City

Fun City has a unique spot just inside of the park itself, so you will need to pay for tickets for your group to enter. The unique spot gives up a Dream Bracelet + and 10,000 EXP, and it is in front of the giant bunny statue between the cooking competition and the arena.

29: The Big White Neighbor in Princebridge

This unique spot gives you 10,000 EXP and five Cream Stews. It is located just inside the icy city of Princebridge, which is immediately north of the Islands Shrouded in Ice on the world map of Nede. Depending on how bright your screen is, this marker can be incredibly difficult to see, so just walk around in front of the snowman until the Investigate interaction pops up.

34: The Energy Field in Nede

There are several spots on the map in Nede where you can pick up some more unique spots and their rewards. One of these is just outside of the city of Centropolis. There is a light a little to the west of this massive city that gives 10,000 EXP and a Mithril Coat +.

36: Islands Shrouded in Ice

Another on this map is the Islands Shrouded in Ice, all the way to the west of the shield that covers Nede. The Islands are between the northern icy continent and the southern ice-covered landmass, but the light is on the southernmost tip of the northern continent. It give 20,000 EXP, three Resurrection Mists, and three Faerie Mists.

35: A Serene Garden in the Sky

All the way to the east, near the Field of Love, there is a floating island at the tip of the peninsula jutting out from this continent. After interacting with this unique spot, you'll get 20,000 EXP and one Aphrodisiac.

31: An Out-of-Place Artifact

The last of the unique spots on the map of Nede is located on a small island just east of the Island Shrouded in Ice. Look for a weird-looking square thing that is visible from pretty far away. There will be a unique spot light just to the south of it. This one gives 10,000 EXP, three Potions of Merlin, and three Holy Mists.

25: A Relaxing Aquarium in L'Aqua

After getting all the Nede world map unique spots, you can head back to the Mayor and gain access to L'Aqua. There is a unique spot in the Aquarium that gives 10,000 EXP and an Aqua Ring+.

26: The City of Weaponsmiths in Armlock

There is a unique spot location just inside the city of Armlock. It grants two Mithril, two Meteorite, and 10,000 EXP.

And those are all the ones I have found so far; this article will be updated with more information as I find the rest of these in my playthrough.
For more Star Ocean The Second Story R, check out All Star Ocean Games in Order – Star Ocean Game Timeline on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 4, 2023 09:21 pm