The ability to change the Job of fellow party members is unlocked after the Audience with the Dark Elf Main Mission. Other unlocks are available as players progress through the game, but initially, each ally gets one of their Advanced Jobs. This is how to change your party members' Jobs in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.
Unlocking Advanced Jobs

Once players finish the Audience with the Dark Elf Main Mission, they will unlock three Advanced Jobs for their party members. Jed will unlock Thief, Ash will unlock Monk, and Neon will unlock Red Mage. It's usually a good idea to have each character get to 30 on their Basic Job before switching them over for the extra Affinity and the stat bonuses it provides them.
How To Change Ally Jobs
To switch the jobs of party members, players simply have to go to their Battle Settings. Going to the next page with either RB/LB or R1/L1 for Xbox and PlayStation players or 1 or 2 on PC will bring up each Ally's equipment and stats. Selecting the Job at the top will give players the choice of that Ally's Basic or Advanced Job.
For more Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin guides, check out How to unlock the Marauder Job in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 20, 2022 12:01 pm