Whether you're a seasoned Twitch veteran or a new streamer on the block, you can spice up your stream with some panels. Panels add additional info below your stream and give your viewers something to check out while you're offline. They can also provide links to donation sites or details about milestones you're proud of.
Adding them to your stream is super east. First, head to your channel page. There should be a switch right at the top left of the page that says Edit Panels. Switch this from off to on.
Related: How to run a test Twitch Stream
Next, edit the panel using the box that has appeared. It should look something like the below image. On this, you can add a title, image, and other elements. You should add any embeds or code (such as donation trackers or links) here.
Once you’ve completed the panel, click Submit and save the panel. To add more, click the large + symbol in the blank panel space.Â
Remember that files in your panels need to be under 1 mb and be scaled appropriately. They must be 320x600 at the max and will be resized and may look ugly if they don’t follow this convention.
To delete a panel once you’ve created it, you can just click Remove, and it’ll be deleted. To move panels around, you can click and drag them. Your stream page can be completely customized using this simple method!
Remember to switch the Edit Panels back to off once you’re done with all your panel changes.
Now you've customized your perfect panels in Twitch, check out the Best Nightbot Commands for Twitch Streamers on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 1, 2021 09:24 am