Until Dawn was what started The Dark Pictures Anthology, a grouping of horror games with a cinematic nature featuring several famous actors. As the first of what became a hit series, Until Dawn took the form of a classic teen horror flick with a bunch of teens partying alone in the woods. Out of all of the 10 friends that originally traversed up the mountain, which one was the best?
*Note, story spoilers ahead*
9. Beth Washington

Hannah's twin sister is a character that players only play during the last moments of her life. These moments lead up to the full story of Until Dawn. Most of what players do as Beth is simply watching in horror as a prank brings her sister out into the dangers of the snow-covered mountain at night. Both her and her sister Hannah end up running alone out in the dark with a mysterious creature in pursuit of them. Sadly, neither can be saved, and playing as Beth only gives players a very minor look into what becomes the foundation of this story.
8. Jessica "Jess" Riley

Jess, the new girl in Mike's love life, is one of the more simplistic characters. Most of her entirety in the game is to serve as an insecure girlfriend to the bad boy trope. However, playing from her perspective can give players a better idea of exactly how much everyone regrets the twin's "disappearances."
Sadly, outside of offering a damsel in distress when she herself disappears, she isn't a big character. Whether players choose to save her or not throughout the story, her role in it is very small. Her death will also only make a small difference in the possible endings.
7. Matthew "Matt" Taylor

While offering a likeable character within the story, Matt also plays a rather small role. He, as Emily's boyfriend, can cause extra tension between Emily and her ex Mike. Often pushed over by Emily, he is usually alone or only with her.
Despite not being big in the story, he does act to help Emily evolve as a person and support her even when she isn't at her best. Together, they work to restore power to the radio tower and call the nearby Rangers for help. Depending on the playthrough, Matt can also save Jess from down in the mines.
6. Ashely Brown

While not being the most important character in the story, Ashley is still a likable character who experiences quite a lot of terrible things for the sake of her friends. She is one of the initial characters to recognize the dangers of the mountain and warn her friends. However, she is also a character whose decisions can lead to a lot of her friends' deaths. Ashley is likely the most pitied character as she experiences the brunt of the most horrifying pranks and is thrown through a lot of hoops to break out of her hysteria.
5. Chris Hartley

Starting out, Chris is a nerdy guy with a crush on Ashley, who just wants to woo her on this little vacation. Of course, this is quickly cut short by all of the Wendigo business. Chris is Josh's best friend near the beginning of the game, however, throughout the process of the storyline, he quickly becomes aware of how much Josh has deteriorated from the loss of his sisters.
While Ashley becomes overwhelmed and terrified by the situations that she and Chris are thrown into, Chris actively takes control of these situations. Due to this, he can save not only Ashley but the others as well. He quickly begins working with Mike to solve the craziness atop the mountain. As such he makes a strong friend and a stronger ally.
4. Josh Washington

Brother to the twins that died the past year on the last expedition to the Lodge, Josh has become an incredibly tortured character. His anger and turmoil lead him to act out dangerous and scary scenarios without realizing the true cause of his sisters' deaths. From Josh's perspective, players can see not only why he so desperately wants to prank his friends, but also the kinds of things he's endured over the past year.
Players don't get much of a choice over most of Josh's actions. However, what players decide to do with him impacts the very end of the game. His fate and his actions will decide whether or not the mountain will continue to be haunted by Wendigo or not.
3. Emily Davis

At first, Emily is made out to simply be Mike's slighted ex who was planning to show off her new boyfriend. Things, unfortunately, do not go as she planned. Despite her often caddy and antagonistic behavior near the beginning of the game, Emily quickly changes her tune when she realizes the danger she and her friends are in. She is a resourceful and intelligent character, who works with her boyfriend to radio the rangers and survive.
2. Michael "Mike" Munroe

Mike plays out the somewhat traditional bad boy near the beginning of the story. With a new girl on his arm, he plans to both irritate and garner a bit of jealousy from his ex Emily. He doesn't appear to be very saddened by the impact of his prank on Hannah during the previous year, however, he is incredibly brave and heroic when called on.
Mike's actions impact a good portion of the characters' fates and whether they survive or not. He acts as the leader once the majority of the characters come back together, and becomes the protector of them all. All of the characters working in tandem is what will save them.
1. Samantha "Sam" Giddings

Sam is one of the most likable characters from the get-go, as she is incredibly worried about the loss of the twins and what caused them to disappear in the first place. She was not a participant in the prank from the previous year and worries that returning a year later isn't a good idea. Sam is the main female character that brings empathy and strength to the group. She works alongside Mike to keep the group safe and destroy the Wendigo threat.
For more Until Dawn content, be sure to check out What is the release date for The Quarry, the Until Dawn spiritual successor? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 17, 2022 01:31 am