Knowing your troop types is key in whether you want to build a large or small warband in turn-based squad RPG Wartales. If you're adding a warrior to your ranks for the first time read on for my Wartales warrior build guide.
Wartales Warrior Build Guide
The warrior is one of the three melee troop types in Wartales that are potential tanks, alongside the brute and swordsman classes. In terms of typical fantast archetypes the brute is your barbarian and your swordsman is the traditional tin can defensive and buffing fighter. I like warriors as they’re jack-of-all-trades fighters, able to do both.
Every warrior must choose between a two-handed axe or a one-handed axe and shield combo. I like to have my warriors on the front line, so tend to give them a shield. This leaves the two-hander damage to the brutes, who are a better fit for it. Front your swordsman up against the toughest enemies and then put your warriors on the slightly squishier ones and watch them wreak havoc.
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Best Warrior Skills in Wartales

Level | Specialization | Reasons |
2 | Berserker | Going Berserker limits you to medium armor, but you can make up for this with a shield. It's worth it for the Rampage attack that sees you attack four times for one Valor point, with any crit landed gaining youFury (your next attack does 50 percent more damage). |
3 | Valorous Duel | You'll get a Valor point every time you engage in combat. As your role is to plow through as many enemies as possible, this should be no problem! |
5 | Recklessness | A passive that sees your first attack of each combat deal 150 percent extra damage. Welcome to the party. |
8 | Battle Cry | If you only have one warrior, Battle Cry is excellent. It gives nearby units Brutality for three rounds, increasing their damage by 30 percent. If you have more than one warrior, look to Limit Break on a crit chance heavy build (increases crit damage by 25 percent), or Ecstacy otherwise (you always deal crits when on 50 percent or less health). |
10 | Alacrity | Not great choices here but this passive gives you a 35 percent chance to avoid ranged and AOE attacks, which is pretty sweet seeing as you'll usually be on the front line. |
12 | Class Specialisation | I'm not a fan of the warrior bravery attack, preferring instead to go back and take level 5 skill First Blood. This passive increases your damage against enemies at full health by 35 percent. As you'll almost always be taking on full-health enemies, this triggers enough to justify its inclusion, especially at later levels in bigger battles. |
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Best Warrior Equipment in Wartales
Equip your warriors with the toughest medium armor you can find, preferably twinned with a shield with an ability such as Powerful Encounter (you get an AoO when hit by your engaged enemy) or that gives you Riposte.
There are some great one-handed axe legendary weapons to look out for as well, such as Nepti’s Axe (which gives both the Corrosion and Poison status) and Devotion (gain Rage on critical hits). You’ll find Devotion on Master Tracker Bionn in Ludern, while Nepti’s Ave is the item you’ll get from studying the reward in the final room of the Vertruse Tomb.
Best Warrior Attributes in Wartales
When it comes to looking for bonuses on weapons and armor or choosing attributes to increase when you level up, follow these guidelines. To be a good warrior, you need to balance out your skills a lot early on but can specialize later as you see fit.
- Strength: Strength is important for a warrior but equally you can let a lot of your bonuses (Fury, Brutality, etc.) do the talking. Raise it when you can but not above all else.
- Constitution: You’re going to get hit and won’t have the best armor so for me, constitution is as important as strength for a warrior as it is a big factor in your Health stat. I try to keep the two stats at about the same level.
- Willpower: While non-essential, try to get this up to 15 (although you can also do this with items) by the time yuo reach the max level. This will allow you to survive the first time you should die in combat, allowing another unit to use First Aid and keep you in the fight.
- Movement: Again non-essential but you do want to be mobile so you can quickly get to your next target. I suggest 12 or 13 as a minimum but aim for closer to 15.
- Critical Hit: I don’t bother much with this for warriors but if you want to focus on it as a build (with Limit Break) for one of them it can make a devastating unit.
- Dexterity: Of no real use to the warrior.
How to play Warrior in Wartales
When a battle starts, make sure to position your warriors on the front line so you can get them engaged as quickly as possible. Pick annoying targets that can deal big damage such as pugilists and rangers, or anyone swinging a two-hander.
Leave the main tanking duties to swordsmen, as you want to keep hitting new targets to build Fury and take advantage of your skills. Looking for more Wartales guidance? We’ve got you covered here at Pro Game Guides. Check out How to upgrade your ship in Wartales Pirates of Belerion, Wartales – Best classes and how to use them, and more!
Published: Mar 4, 2024 04:59 am