Season 4 of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is underway and with it comes a new overhaul to previous raids, new mounts, a new PVP season, and more. Today we're looking at the latest currency introduced to help gear up your champions with mighty armor and weapons. Let's take a look at the Antique Bronze Bullions and where to spend them.
Where to spend Antique Bronze Bullions
To spend your hard-earned Bullions you'll want to head to the Splitting Glass, a building with a handful of vendors waiting to trade you excellent gear. Finding the Splitting Glass is a little confusing but with our handy map, you'll be spared the few minutes of flying around aimlessly.

You'll find the entrance to the Splitting Glass in The Bronze Enclave which is both in the East of Valdrakken and directly north of The Emerald Enclave. Our helpful map above circles the exact location. It's a fairly large tunnel that leads into a spacious room with a few dozen NPCs and most likely other players looking for their loot. Once inside you'll notice a handful of vendors, the main three you'll be looking out for are Izzy, Iszinormi, and Mirioszin, these three are where you'll want to direct your spending.
Izzy and Iszinormi each have a selection of trinkets, rings, main-hand weapons and off-hand items for you to purchase. No armor is available from these two except for one singular cape, but you're sure to receive a hefty damage increase by acquiring one of the weapons in their stock. Every purchase from Izzy and Iszinormi will set you back two Antique Bronze Bullions, so make sure you're rocking a pair before seeking out some new gear.
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Mirioszin is a little special; she sells purely cosmetics and a special mount. The mount is worth 3 Antique Bronze Bullions while cosmetics can be purchased with a single one each. With a few stockpiled Bullions, you can play dress-up to your heart's content without needing RNGesus to bless your loot drops.
How to obtain Antique Bronze Bullions
To get your hands on an Antique Bronze Bullion you must participate in the new Awakened Raids and slay the bosses within. It's reported from the community that it is a random drop chance from every boss, however, you are limited to one per character per week. Keep in mind that this new currency is by no means an alternative way of gearing and is instead intended to protect you and others from extremely bad luck.
That's all we have on where to spend Antique Bronze Bullions. If you're looking for more World of Warcraft content check out WoW Season of Discovery DPS Tier List, WoW Dragonflight – The Mythic Plus Problem, and more on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Apr 24, 2024 03:40 am