WoW Dragonflight 10.2, Guardians of the Dream, is packed full of new content for just about every type of World of Warcraft player. One piece of new content, the Superbloom event, serves as a great way to get some extra loot, so here's how you can participate in it.
How to do the Superbloom event in WoW Dragonflight
The Superbloom event is the primary public event located in the new Emerald Dream zone, introduced with update 10.2. Like such events in the past, participation begins by heading to the event, located on your World Map.

When arrive, you'll find a wandering Ancient walking around the World Tree present in the zone. The Ancient will be under siege from the Druids of the Flame and will need your help. Escort it around the tree, and you'll be rewarded with a Cache of Overblooming Treasures. Note that this is a weekly quest reward, so repeated runs will not yield such favorable fruit. The more you contribute, the better the Superbloom will be at its end.

Once the Superbloom event concludes, a new event will begin called the Emerald Frenzy. This event sees you collecting Emerald Dewdrops in the area. Getting these dewdrops is simple: kill the overgrowth that spawns. The more you kill, the more you get.
What to do with Dreamseeds and Emerald Dewdrops in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

The Superbloom and Emerald Frenzy events reward you with Dreamseeds and Dewdrops. You planet Dreamseeds in special patches of soil located around the zone. Doing so will begin the Emerald Bounty event, which is not a combat event like the others. Instead, players can contribute Emerald Dream-specific resources and materials they've gathered to help a seedling grow. More contribution means better rewards.
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Published: Nov 7, 2023 11:32 pm