Festival Preparations II is a Wuthering Waves quest that revolves around the Moon-Chasing Festival. Part of the event involves a business mini-game where you collect Operation Funds to build stalls for the festival.
There are three Festival Preparation phases across the whole quest. This guide will focus on helping you complete Festival Preparations II, but I've included all the mini-game mechanics so you can complete the rest of the preparations later in the questline.
How to build stalls in the Wuthering Waves Moon-Chasing Festival

All Festival Preparations are done in the Wishing Stall located in a dedicated By Moon's Grace pin in Taoyuan Vale. You can fast-travel directly to the location. Once there, interact with the stall to begin the business operations mini-game.
Build "Yumyum Haven"
Upon starting the objective, you will be prompted to build the first stall ("Yumyum Haven") by following the tutorial. You won't have to separately raise funds for it. After building Yumyum Haven, you will unlock a Side Quest called "A Brief Respite."
Build "Fan Drawing Stall" & "Moon Shooter"
Your main goal is to build the Fan Drawing Stall and Moon Shooter, which can only be done after you've collected enough Operation Funds. They can be built in any order, so I'll walk you through the mechanics and some tips on how to quickly get funds.

Start by initiating the Side Quest called A Brief Respite, which you'll automatically unlock after building the Yumyum Haven. Complete it to unlock Sanhua as a Companion in the business operations mini-game.

After completing the Side Quest, head back to the By Moon's Grace stall and select Lodge Wishes, where you can choose to initiate any of the business strategies.

Each business strategy will require a Budget, which costs Preparation Credits and Operation Funds. The higher the operation cost, the higher the guaranteed reward. I suggest choosing a business strategy with the highest cost.
However, keep in mind that the Budget indicates how much you need to shell out to initiate the business strategy. In the early game, it's impossible to lose funds. But later in the game, be careful not to spend all your funds building stalls as you need to leave some behind to operate the business! If you run out of Preparation Credits, you can interact with the stall to get 50 per day.

Each business strategy will have a recommended attribute that aligns with the strengths of each character. Choose up to three characters that can maximize the recommended attribute. Don't expect to fill the gauge as it won't happen until much later into the gameplay. When you're ready, click Start.

You will receive Operation Funds and Wishes based on how well the business went. Your goal is to earn as much profit as possible to be able to quickly build the required stalls. To do so, simply repeat the process until you have enough funds.

Click on the Companions button on the bottom right of the screen to interact with characters you have collected throughout the event. Each interaction (Chat, Gift, Preparations, Travel) costs a number of Wishes and will increase the character's stats, which will make it easier to generate profit. I highly recommend generously interacting with your characters as Wishes are easy to get.

Check the Fair Stalls section to find out whether you have enough Operation Funds to open the required stalls for each Festival Preparation segment. For Festival Preparation II, the costs are as follows:
- Moon Shooter Stall: 6,000 Operation Funds
- Fan Drawing Stall: 2,000 Operation Funds
Make sure to have an excess amount of funds before opening these stalls so you have enough left to run more business strategies. Every time you open a stall, you'll unlock a Side Quest that will reward you with a new Companion to help run the business. You must complete these Side Quests and unlock Companions to meet the attribute requirements of higher-level Festival Preparations.
For more on the Moon-Chasing Festival, check out our guide on All corrupted Wish Tags puzzle solutions in Wuthering Waves here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 15, 2024 5:54 PM UTC