The Lost Woods is tough to navigate in any Zelda game, but things are a bit different in Tears of the Kingdom. It's honestly not that hard to get into (provided you're brave enough to take on some Gloom Hands). After curing the Great Deku Tree, though, there will still be three other shrines to visit. They are all tough to find, too, so Link will need the help of some Koroks.
How to find the three Shrines in The Lost Woods in TotK (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)

Outside of Musanokir Shrine (which is right beside the Great Deku Tree), Link has three shrines to get to in the Lost Woods in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. They each have a trail to follow, as well as a Korok that gives Link a vital clue on how to find each shrine.
How to find Pupunke Shrine in TotK (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)
Starting from the Pedastal for the Master Sword, head to the right and look for the happy tree (it looks like it has a huge smile).

From there, walk up to the left of the tree and climb up the hill. On the other side should be a log with a huge hole in it.

Walk through the hole to find a Korok who wants five Golden Apples; in return, the Korok will give Link a green rock that points the way to Pupunke Shrine.
If you already have five Golden Apples, you can cough them up right there. Otherwise, you will need to follow the trail to Mido Swamp (named after one of the fairies in Kokiri Forest in Ocarina of Time).
The trail is easy to follow, but there are a couple of monsters to look out for (some Fire Keese, Stalkoblins, a Stal Moblin, and a Wizzrobe are hiding at different points along the trail). At Mido Swamp, Link will die if he stays in the water too long. For this part, I actually climbed on top of the trees and was able to navigate just fine. Towards the back of the swamp are the Golden Apples (coordinates: 0832, 2407, 0174).

After getting those five Golden Apples, warp back to Musanokir Shrine and retrace the steps to find the first Korok. He will gladly take the Golden Apples (help yourself buddy, not like we wanted those extra hearts) and give up the green rock. This points out the way to Pupunke Shrine (coordinates 0623, 2210, 0164), which is fortunately just outside the log.

Related: Where to find Rocket Devices in TotK (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)
How to find Sakunbomar Shrine in TotK (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)
Again, starting from the Master Sword's Pedastal, head left this time and follow the trail outlined by the small yellow lights. Eventually, Link will meet a second Korok who says that there are monsters blocking the path to a shrine.
The path to the shrine is easy to follow because it's outlined with Blue Nightshade along the way. The Korok warns Link not to pick the Blue Nightshade, and you should honestly listen to him unless you want to be lost.
The monsters along the path are mostly Stal monsters and Evermean trees. I recommend using a decent bow with some Fire Fruit or Red Chu Chu Jelly to burn the trees. Keep knocking down enemies while following along the Blue Nightshade path.
Eventually, Link will come across the Shrine. Activate it to find another green rock. This time, though, it's on top of a Stone Talus, so be prepared (I jumped up in my seat). After the Talus is slain, then Link can carry the rock over to reveal Sakunbomar Shrine (coordinates: 0166, 2318, 0179).
Related: All Gleeok Locations (Map) in TotK & How to Beat Them – Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
How to find Ninjis Shrine in Totk (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)
This shrine might be the easiest of the three to get to. From the Master Sword's Pedastal, this time head backwards beyond Hetsu. There should be one more trail outlined with the yellow lights. At the end of the trail will be the final Korok who says that from this shrine he can see a sky island.
Well, logic states that if Link can see a sky island from the shrine, he can also see the shrine from the sky island. This means that Link needs to fly into the skies and then look for where there is a break in the fog surrounding the Lost Woods so that he can dive in.
When I did this, I just warped to Simisiwak Shrine on Bravery Island. If players don't have this shrine unlocked, though, they can go to the Typhlo Ruins Skyview Tower and then glide south to Bravery Island.
From there, if you stand on the edge of the sky island and a littler to the left, you should be able to see the clearing in the Lost Woods fog right below.

Dive down to find Ninjis Shrine (coordinates: 0363, 1891, 0178).
Want more Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guides? Pro Game Guides has you covered with Where to Find Billson Mushrooms in TotK (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom).
Published: Sep 20, 2023 01:24 pm