Out of all the Gleeoks in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Frost Gleeok might be the most annoying to fight. The only locations that have Frost Gleeoks in them (The Gerudo Highlands and Hebra Mountains) are both perpetully snowing. This means that Link will need some cold armor, preventing him from using the Barbarain or Fierce Deity Armor. Overall, it will take a bit more time to beat this Gleeok, but there are still some great strategies players can use.
How to prepare to fight the Frost Gleeok in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK)
Before taking on the Frost Gleeok in Tears of the Kingdom, players should definitely cook a couple of good meals. It's almost necessary to cook five mighty bananas since Link won't be wearing the Fierce Deity or Barbarian Armors. Players should also cook meals that give extra hearts, whether that be with Hearty Radishes or Hearty Truffles.
In terms of gear, a good idea is to defeat a Blue Lynel and using their parts to fuse with strong weapons. It's not recommended to use a White Lynel or Silver Lynels parts in this fight, because the drops from those monsters are actually stronger than the Frost Gleeok parts.
Related: Gleeok Guts Side Quest Walkthrough – Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK)
Best strategies for beating the Frost Gleeok in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK)
Like all Gleeoks in Tears of the Kingdom, the Frost Gleeok has three heads, each with their own health bars that need to be eliminated to bring the monster down. This means that players should be bringing a strong bow to the Gleeok. A Royal Bow (38 attack) is fine, but players should really try to bring a Royal Guard's Bow (50 attack) or a Savage Lynel Bow (32 attack, three shots at once).

One trick I always use to start off this fight is to glide on top of the Gleeok and shoot down the heads before it stats shooting beams. So, if I'm facing the Frost Gleeok in Tabanthia Snowfield, I always warp to the Pikida Stonegrave Skyview Tower. I fly all the way up, and then dive onto the Frost Gleeok; once I'm close, I glide to slow down time and spam arrows at the heads. This should bring the Frost Gleeok down immediately.

After dealing a bit of damage, the Frost Gleeok will get back up and start firing ice beams at Link. The best way to deal with this is to pull up a strong shield and block the blast. If Link has any of the Sages activated, the Frost Gleeok will occasionally target them, giving Link a free shot at their heads.
Related: How to beat a Flame Gleeok in TOTK – Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
A great strategy to use for this phase of the fight is fusing Keese Eyeballs to arrows. It can be difficult to aim and hit one of the heads in between ice beams. With Keese Eyeballs, though, Link's arrows will automatically fly to one of the heads.
When the Frost Gleeok is brought to a fifth of its health, it will fly extremely high in the air and create a storm that drops icicles at Link. Players can use recall here to first the icicles back at the Gleeok, but there is a more efficient way to beat this phase.
If players have a rocket, they can fly up to around where the Frost Gleeok is. This should put Link in range to glide off, slow time and hit the Gleeok with enough shots to eliminate its three heads. To to this, players can attach a rocket to a shield beforehand, but I just autobuild a rocket platform. When the Frost Gleeok looses its heads at that height, the drop will likely finish off the kill.

If players really want to use an attack buffing suit like the Fierce Deity Armor, there is one way to do so. Link will need to equip a fiery weapon. The best monster part that fits this criteria is likely a Gleeok Flame Horn, which has 30 attack power. So, it's possible to beat a Frost Gleeok with a weapon attached to a Gleeok Flame Horn, but it would need to be attached to a really strong weapon to deal meaningful damage.
Want more Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guides? Pro Game Guides has you covered with All Gleeok Locations (Map) in TotK & How to Beat Them (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom).
Published: Jun 13, 2023 01:22 pm