With the first season to follow the launch of The Witch Queen, Season 17 has quite a lot to live up to. What better way to follow an extremely successful expansion than with a new subclass rework. Bungie is referring to it as Solar 3.0, and it will rebuild the Solar Subclass to operate in the same way that Stasis and Void do. Here is everything you need to know about Solar 3.0 in Destiny 2.
All changes made to the Solar Subclass with Solar 3.0
All Solar Supers, Abilities, and Grenades

- Supers
- Daybreak - Fashion Solar Light into a blade and smite your foes from the sky. Your Daybreak projectiles launch a streak of deadly flames on impact.
- Well of Radiance - Thrust your sword into the ground, damaging and scorching nearby targets. The sword projects a continuous aura, granting restoration and radiant effects to nearby allies, protecting them from the effects of Stasis.
- Class Abilities
- Healing Rift - Conjure a well of power that continuously heals those inside it.
- Empowering Rift - Conjure a well of power that increases weapon damage for those inside it.
- Phoenix Dive - Dive to the ground and create a burst of Solar Light that cures nearby allies. Also, while Heat Rises is active, you gain restoration while diving and scorch targets upon landing.
- Melee Abilities
- Incinerator Snap - Snap your fingers to create a fan of burning sparks that explode and scorch targets.
- Celestial Fire - Send out a spiral of three explosive Solar energy blasts.

- Supers
- Golden Gun: Deadshot - Summon a rapid-fire flaming pistol that disintegrates targets with Solar Light. Causing Solar ignitions while your Super is active refunds a Golden Gun round. Also, it benefits from being radiant.
- Golden Gun: Marksman - Summon a precision flaming pistol that disintegrates targets with Solar Light. Your Gold Gun deals massively increased precision damage, over penetrates targets, and creates Orbs of Power on precision hits. Also benefits from being radiant.
- Blade Barrage - Vault into the air and unleash a volley of Solar-charged explosive knives.
- Class Abilities
- Marksman's Dodge - Dodge to perform an evasive maneuver with a steady hand. Dodging automatically reloads your weapon.
- Gambler's Dodge - Dodge to perform a deft tumble, avoiding enemy attacks. Dodging near enemies fully recharges your Melee Ability.
- Acrobat's Dodge - Dodge to perform an acrobatic leap. Upon landing, make yourself and nearby allies radiant.
- Melee Abilities
- Knife Trick - Throw a fan of flaming knives that scorch targets on hit.
- Lightweight Knife - Quickly throw a knife that deals moderate damage. Precision hits with this knife make you radiant for a short duration.
- Weighted Throwing Knife - Throw a knife that deals extra precision damage and causes scored targets to ignite. Precision final blows with this knife immediately recharge your class ability.
- Proximity Explosive Knife - Throw a knife that attaches to surfaces upon impact and explodes when it detects a nearby target.

- Supers
- Hammer of Sol - Summon a flaming hammer and wreak destruction down upon your enemies. Press your fire button to throw your hammer at foes. Upon impact, your hammers shatter into explosive molten shards.
- Burning Maul - Summon a flaming maul and crush your enemies with the force of an earthquake. Press your fire button to spin the maul in a circle around you, damaging nearby targets. Press your ADS button and slam the maul to the ground and create a cyclone of flames that seeks targets.
- Class Abilities
- Towering Barricade - Create a large barrier that can be used to reinforce a position with cover from enemy fire.
- Rally Barricade - Create a small barrier that you can peek over while aiming down sights and that increases weapon reload speed, stability, and range when you stand behind it.
- Melee Abilities
- Throwing Hammer - Throw a hammer from a distance. Picking up a thrown hammer fully recharges your melee ability. If the hammer struck a target, picking it up grants cure.
- Hammer Strike - After sprinting for a short time, use this melee ability to swing a blazing hammer that scorches your target and deals damage in a cone behind them. if your target is defeated by Hammer Strike, they ignite.
- Solar Grenade - A grenade that creates a flare of Solar Light that continuously damages and scorches targets trapped inside.
- Tripmine Grenade - An explosive grenade that sticks to surfaces and detonates when targets pass through its laser trigger, dealing damage and moderately scorching them.
- Thermite Grenade - A grenade that sends forth a burning line of fire, dealing damage and scorching targets in its path.
- Incendiary Grenade - A grenade that explodes in a fiery burst and heavily scorches nearby targets.
- Swarm Grenade - A grenade that detonates on impact, releasing multiple drones that seek nearby targets. Each drone slightly scorches affected targets.
- Fusion Grenade - An explosive grenade that attaches to targets, damaging and moderately scorching them on detonation.
- Firebolt Grenade - A grenade that unleashes bolts of damaging Solar Light at nearby targets and slightly scorches them.
- Healing Grenade - A grenade that cures allies on impact and creates an Orb of benevolent Solar Light, granting restoration to allies when picked up.
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All Solar 3.0 Aspects
We were first introduced to the Aspect and Fragment system with the Statis subclass in the Beyond Light expansion. Then again when Void 3.0 was added with The Witch Queen. Aspects are a powerful mechanic that can change the way the subclass is played. These allow for flexibility in play like never before and can lead to unique and powerful builds. Here are all of the Solar 3.0 Aspects for each class.
- Touch of Flame - Your Healing, Solar, Firebolt, and Fusion Grenades have enhanced Functionality.
- Healing Grenade - Improves the strength of Cure and Restoration effects applied.
- Solar Grenade - Increases linger duration. Periodically emits blobs of lava around its perimeter.
- Firebolt Grenade - Increases target search radius and maximum target count.
- Fusion Grenade - Explodes twice.
- Heat Rises - You can fire weapons, melee, and throw grenades while gliding. Hold your grenade button to activate Heat Rises at the cost of consuming your grenade. Final blows while airborne increase the duration of Heat Rises and grant melee energy.
- Icarus Dash - Press your alternate action button to Dodge while airborne. While Heat Rises is active, you have an additional dodge.
- On Your Mark - Precision final blows grant you and your allies increased weapon handling and reload speed for a short duration. Stacks three times. Activating your class ability immediately activates On Your Mark.
- Knock 'Em Down - Your Solar Supers are enhanced.
- Golden Gun: Deadshot - Increased duration.
- Golden Gun: Marksman - Increased damage resistance and duration.
- Blade Barrage - Launches more projectiles.
- Gunpowder Gamble - Defeat targets with abilities, Solar debuffs, or Solar weapons to charge up an improvised Solar explosive. Press your grenade button to throw a solar explosive that can be shot in mid-air to cause an ignition.
- Roaring Flames - Final Blows with Solar abilities or ignitions increase the damage of your Solar abilities. Stacks three times.
- Sol Invictus - Solar ability final blows, Hammer of Sol impacts, and defeating scorched targets creates Sunspots. Your abilities regenerate faster, and your Super drains more slowly while standing in a Sunspot. Sunspots apply scorch and deal damage to targets inside. Entering a Sunspot applies restoration.
- Consecration - While sliding, activate your charged melee ability to launch a wave of Solar energy forward, damaging and scorching targets in front of you as you leap into the air. While airborne, activate your charged melee again to slam to the ground and create a second larger wave of damaging Solar energy. If the wave hits a scorched target, they ignite.
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All Solar 3.0 Fragments
While Aspects provide the drastic changes, Fragments work to provide minor tweaks to the overall subclass functionality. There is a pool of Fragments that all three classes share. Below are all of the Solar 3.0 Fragments.
- Ember of Combustion - Final Blows with your Solar Super cause targets to ignite. (+10 Strength)
- Ember of Singeing - Your class ability recharges faster when you scorch targets.
- Ember of Benevolence - Applying restoration, cure, or radiant to allies grants increased grenade, melee, and class ability regeneration for a short duration. (-10 Discipline)
- Ember of Beams - Your Solar Super projectiles have stronger target acquisition. (+10 Intellect)
- Ember of Torches - Powered melee attacks against combatants makes you and nearby allies radiant.
- Ember of Tempering - Solar weapon final blows grant you and your allies increased recovery for a short duration. Stacks three times. While Ember of Tempering is active, your weapons have increased airborne effectiveness. (-10 Recovery)
- Ember of Blistering - Defeating targets with Solar ignitions grants grenade energy.
- Ember of Solace - Radiant and restoration effects applied to you have increased duration.
- Ember of Eruption - Your Solar ignitions have increased area of effect. (+10 Strength)
- Ember of Searing - Defeating scorched targets grants melee energy. (+10 Recovery)
So there you have it, that is everything you need to know about Solar 3.0 in Destiny 2. It will be interesting to see just how creative players get putting together some unique and powerful Solar builds.
For more Destiny guides, check out How to unlock the Trespasser Exotic Sidearm in Destiny 2 right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 24, 2022 11:54 am