Detective Kate is back on the case in another AE Mysteries puzzle game. If you’re looking for some clues for the puzzles in Picture Perfect, read on for my full walkthrough.
How to beat AE Mysteries Picture Perfect - Full walkthrough
I do love teaming up with Kate in these point-and-click AE Mysteries, but they can be tricky to solve. This time, Murphy and you are sent to the wedding of a prominent tech couple. It looks innocent enough, but with Kate involved, something will take a turn for the worst…
You can find the concussion of the guide by clicking through to my AE Mysteries Picture Perfect walkthrough (chapters 5-8).
Picture Perfect Chapter 1 walkthrough

Outside the wedding, pick up the Black Marker (a1), take a Wooden Heart (a2), then open the drawer (a3) and take the Florist Scissors. Use the scissors to cut the roses (a4) and take the Figurine (which goes back on the cake) plus a Photograph.
Give Grandma the wooden heart and pen, and she’ll give you the Signed Wooden Heart. Put the heart back on the table (a2), talk to both Grandma and the caterer (taking note of any numbers they mention), then click the background to move on.

Pick up the three Photos (b1-3), then look at the case (b4) and make a note of the number hidden in red on the logo (353). Use that to open the camera case (b5).

After talking to Connor, click the book on the sofa (c1) to find a list of information you need to find out (answers in brackets):
- Years since C&D met (5)
- Tiers in cake (4)
- Aisle at grocery store (7)
- Ice cream scoops on first date (6)

Now, head downstairs by clicking to the left of the wedding planner. Talk to Chef Julio and he’ll leave the scene, allowing you to pick up the final two Photos (d1-2). Click the gift bag stand (d3) and rearrange the bags correctly. Each number represents a feature on a bag.Â
- Sideways stripes
- Stripes rows
- Pink heart
- Blue bow
- Pink bag
- Heart
- Blue bag
- Yellow bag
- Pink bow
- (0) Green bag
Once complete, use the Bottle Opener you get to open the breaker box (d4). Press the red button inside and the lift will work once more. Chelsea will give you a Key. Now click the stairs on the right to go back to the previous scene.

Click the photo board (c2) and add the photos. Put the photos into the correct order (noting the number of ice cream scoops in the first date photo). Once complete, click the cushion to reveal the ring box (c3) and click it for a close-up. The heart slider order on the left side is (counting from the left, top row to bottom) 5476 (from the book puzzle above).
On the right side, push the buttons that match the photos you picked up (with the black edges) now on the board: top row (1 and 4), middle (3 and 5), and bottom (2). Finally, use the key to open the ring box and collect the Wedding Rings. That concludes Chapter 1.
Picture Perfect Chapter 2 walkthrough

Pick up the red Flowers (e1-3), then move the bag (e4) to reveal and collect a fourth. Open the barrel on the right (e5) to get the Mixer Bottle and Step Stool. Use the stool to get the Flower Basket (e6). Give the basket and four flowers to the little girl in the white dress.
Click the middle barrel (e7) to get a Cork With Key, and use the key to open the left barrel (e8) and get two more Mixer Bottles. Click the table top above the barrels and add the three mixer bottles to start a drink-mixing puzzle. These are randomized for each playthrough, but it’s pretty simple. You just need to pick the three drinks that add up to the ingredients symbols below the mixing glass. Note you can use the same bottle more than once.
Give one drink to Vincent and one to the lady at the front facing you, then click the mobile phone (e9). Enter the password L1O5V2E3 (you work this out by counting the amount of each letter in LOVE there is in the WiFi network address) and check out Dante’s YouCrew to see where he was last.
Now, you need to speak to the following people to get clues on how to find the spot where Dante was. These are randomized on each playthrough, but as an example, my results were:
- Flower girl: Always took paths with roses.
- Female guest you gave a drink: Passed a fountain on her right.
- Wanda: Never take a bridge unless it goes left.
- Grandma: Avoid birds unless there is no other choice.
- Vincent: Pass exactly two benches.
Once you have all five clues, click the archway on the left to move into a maze and use the clues you have to work your way through. As I said, this will be different for each player, so you’ll have to work your way through.
I found the best way to work it out is to write a list of the importance of information. So, if something says must, make sure to check that first on each new map screen, then work down the priorities. You can try it any amount of times or use clues to get past if you have them spare.Â

Once you’re at the ledge, pick up Dante’s wallet (f1), click the footprints (f2) to take a photo, take the Iron Bar from the gate (f3), then click the signs (f4) for a close-up and take the Cigarette Butt and Half Eaten Appetizer (behind the leaves) for evidence.
Click the bench (f5) to move it and use the iron bar on the loose rock in the wall behind it to reveal a metal plate. This reveals clues you need to be able to open the gate (f3). The missing arrows point in the following directions, top to bottom:
- East
- Northwest
- Southeast
- Northwest

Select the gate mechanism (f6), click the buttons I’ve marked with an X above (in any order), and go through.

You now have to work your way through a route puzzle to make it along the trails. There’s one safe route that takes 21 moves, alternating between trees and flowers. If you’re stuck, follow my route in the image above.Â

When faced with the bear, take the Stick (g1) and use it to get the furthest Rock (g2), then grab the other four Rocks (g3). Use all five rocks on the Bear Warning Sign (g4) and it will back off. You can now click Dante’s body.

To gather evidence, click the phone (h1), the scratch marks (h2), the threads on his hand (h3), and the lipstick on his cheek (h4). Murphy will then get the equipment bag out. Click it to take the Body Bag, then use the Radio (frequency 125.5). Use the bodybag on Dante, and that will conclude Chapter 2.
Related: On Thin Ice – Full Walkthrough & Solutions (Chapters 1-4)
Picture Perfect Chapter 3 walkthrough

Talk to Chelsea to find she needs to calm down. Take an Empty Tea Cup from the table (i1), use it on the urn (i2) to get a Tea Cup With Water, then place it on the saucer (i3). Take the Tissues (i4) and give them to Chelsea. Open the green box (i5), take a Tea Bag, put it in the cup, then click the flower vase (i6) to move it and take some Sugar. Add it to the drink, then you can talk to Chelsea.

Click the footprints (i7) to deduce Chelsea’s father must’ve been near the overlook. When the flower trolly arrives, click it to start an odd-one-out puzzle. The flowers you need to identify as out of place are marked in the image above.

After talking more to Chelsea and the Florist, click the DJ’s van to start a spatial puzzle. Check my screenshot above to see how it all fits in. Once it’s done and the DJ leaves, Chelsea returns with the key to Dante’s room.

Click the pillow (k1) to find a Tile and get a second Tile from the drawer (k2). Move the pillows (k3) to get a Sticky Note, get a second Sticky Note from the books (k4), then click the open door to go through to the bathroom.

Grab the Soap from the dish (l1), then click the water in the bath twice to drain it and get a third Tile. Click the curtains (l2) to open them and find a fourth Tile, select the chair (l3) to find a third Sticky Note, and open the drawer (l4) to find a fourth Sticky Note.
Click the bathroom mirror (l5) and add the four sticky notes to start a matching puzzle. By moving the notes around you can spell out the code 57391 (see the image below). Now click the towel (l6) and note the number of triangles (3), squares (13), and circles (1) you see in the image and the words on it.

Go back into the bedroom and use the soap on the hinges of the wardrobe (k5), click the safe inside, and use code 3131 to open it (triangles, squares, circles. You get this from the shapes in the logo ABC on the safe door). Click the safe again, examine the note, and take a fifth Tile.
Back in the bathroom, click the pattern just above the bath on the counter edge (l7) and add the five tiles. To work it out yourself, look at where the green lines fall on the painting in the bedroom as they associate with each of the tiles. Or simply use the image below. Take the Key from the secret compartment afterward.

Use the key to open the drawer under the bed (k6). Click the briefcase inside and use code 57391 to open it. Take the Phone Charger, use it on Dante’s phone (k7), then click the phone again to start a pattern puzzle. You can make patterns and it will show you how many dots you got exactly right (green) or right but in the wrong order (yellow). I’ve pictured the correct sequence below (you need to start with the dot on the middle right).

Once the phone is working, click the message on the screen to look at more photos. When looking for a difference between the photo and the last one, click the gun in the bottom-left of the photo to complete Chapter 3.
Related: Vanishing Act walkthrough (Adventure Escape Mysteries)
Picture Perfect Chapter 4 walkthrough

Grab the Tongs (m1) and click the cupcakes (m2) to move one and find a Guest Photo. Use the tongs to grab a second Guest Photo from the noodles (m3), take the Vinegar (m4), and move the chair (m5) to find a third Guest Photo.

Click the door to the kitchen to find Chef Julio has collapsed. Click the bill on the floor (n1) to see that Julio gave Dante a big discount. Add the vinegar to the salt (n2) to get Vinegar-Soaked Salts and use them on Julio to wake him up. Once he moves his head, take the fourth Guest Photo and the Small Key from the floor (n3).
Go back into the dining room and talk to Murphy. Add the four photos to his chart to start a matching puzzle. Once complete (see image below if you’re stuck), one of the wedding guests will give you a hangover cure for Julio: tomato, raw egg, spinach, ginger, black pepper, and hot sauce.

Back in the kitchen, use the key on the locked cupboard (n4) to get the Blender and then get the Knife from the top left drawer (n5). Use the knife to cut some Ginger (n6), grab some Pepper (n7), then take the Pot Holder (n8) and use it to open the pot (n9) and find the Hot Sauce.
Now, you need to get into the fridge (n10). You can work out the code by noting the colors on the padlock and looking at Julio’s invoice (n1) once more. Take the numbers from their color and positions on the padlock and invoice and you’ll have 437. Take out the Tomatoes, Spinach and Eggs.Â
Pop the tomatoes in the oven (n11) to get Roasted Tomatoes, then put all the ingredients on the counter by clicking the blender. To snake the strongest possible cure, put in the following ingredients:
- 3x Hot Sauce
- 3x Pepper
- Sx Ginger
- 1x Tomatoes
- 1x Eggs
- 1x Spinach
Flip the switch on the blender, give the Full Glass to Julio, and then pick up his menu from the floor after he leaves.Â

Back at the station, click the box (o1) to open it and get Glass Cleaner and the drawer (o2) to find a Key. Use the key to open the cabinet and then click the red box to get a Screwdriver. Use the cleaner on the dirty display case (o3) and give the screwdriver to the worker fixing the vent.
He’ll go, allowing you to take the Ladder (o4) which you can place under the plaque to get the Sword (o5). Click the door for a close-up and use the sword to reach under and grab the ID Card. Use the card on the door and head into the lab.

Pick up the Forceps (p1), Scalpel (p2), and the Cabinet Key (p3). Use the key to open the cabinet (p4) and take the Beaker and Cotton Swab, then use the scalpel to open the box (p5) and remove the analysis machine.
Select the cupboard doors (p6) to begin a puzzle to get the enzyme. You need to get to the number 17 by using the colors red, blue, and yellow. The chart tells us purple equals 3, orange 7, and green 6. From this, we can deduce that red is worth 2, yellow 5, and blue 1. Place the beaker on the machine and click the yellow pipe three times and the red one to get the Restrictor Enzyme.
Add the enzyme to the DNA sequencer (p7) and click it once more to start a puzzle. What you’re doing is setting up the top row (by flipping DNA strands upside down by clicking them) so that the bottom row shows a coupling that matches its shape, yellow into green and blue into red. The completed puzzle is pictured below.

Now click Dante’s corpse and use the swab on the lipstick mark and the forceps on the fibers under his fingernails. Put the swab in the analysis machine you took out of the box, and afterward, you can look at the fingerprint analysis on the monitor (p7), starting another matching puzzle.
You simply need to drag the pieces around until they slot into place with each other. You’ll end up with three fingerprints. If you want to know how they’re meant to look, check out my finished prints below.

Back in the main office, you now need to get into the computer system. Click the monitor (o6) and get a password hint by clicking it again. Note the five images for the password hint: Bear, Star, Deer, Eagle, and Tree.Â
Look at the two display cases (o4) and add up how many of each item for the password is on the patches. This is different for each playthrough, so I can’t write the answer here. Note that the number of trees will be more than nine and that the last two digits of the code reflect this larger number. You can now check the DNA database and the fingerprints, which concludes Chapter 4.
To complete the game with us here at Pro Game Guides, click through to our AE Mysteries Picture Perfect walkthrough (chapters 5-8)!
Published: Jan 19, 2024 03:18 am