Apex Legends is one of the most famous battle royales in gaming, partly due to the consistent support of the developers at Respawn Entertainment. The constant season updates offer new content for players to enjoy, and when players found a sneak-peak at Season 12 in-game, Apex fans were excited.
Teasers of the twelfth season of Apex Legends have appeared in-game, and players immediately took to the Internet to discuss all the new additions. The most notable addition everyone in the community is talking about the dogfight sequence taking place in the skies above the arena.
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Monkeysniper on Twitter took the following video, sharing a look at the dogfight from every possible angle.
Reddit users have also found pieces of crashed planes with Mad Maggie's symbol, hinting at a notable character's return and a possible new playable legend. While there hasn't been an official statement on what these teasers mean for Apex Legends just yet, players are sure to get more information in the coming days.
For more on Apex Legends, be sure to visit some of our other articles here on Pro Game Guides, like All nerfs to the Rampage LMG upon its return to Apex Legends.
Published: Jan 21, 2022 12:54 pm