I’d argue you can’t have a good RPG without crafting, and the developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 would seem to agree. There are several types of crafting in the game, allowing players to make everything from weapons and armor, to dyes with which to customize their gear. If you want to get into making potions, poisons, and coating, follow my Baldur’s Gate 3 alchemy guide below.
How Alchemy Works in Baldur’s Gate 3

To open the Alchemy menu, press H on your keyboard, or click the righthand Alchemy icon at the top of the popup after bringing up the inventory of any companion in your current party. You can do this anytime, anywhere, as long as you’re not in combat. Next, click the Extract All Ingredients button at the bottom of the window. If the ingredients you have add up to a craftable item, it will appear in the menu on the left; click an item and the ingredients appear on the right. Click Craft Item and you’ll make it.
You can filter the list by ticking the Filter Craftable Only box at the top-left of the Alchemy screen. However, some items use any type of an ingredient (for example, Any Salt), while others may need a specific kind (such as Salts of Rogue’s Morsel). This means it is possible to make one item, not realizing you may not be able to make another until you find more ingredients.
Finding Recipes and Ingredients in BG3

Both recipes and ingredients can be found throughout the game, with a few recipes coming from books you’ll find on your travels, but most from when you gain an extract from ingredients. Ingredients can be found as loot from enemies but also found on plants you’ll see growing along the roads and in caves as you explore.
Any ingredients you pick up will automatically be stored in the Alchemy Pouch of the currently selected player. However, when you execute the Extract All Ingredients action, the game combines any character’s ingredients to make as many resources as possible. You need three of any single base ingredient to get an extract.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Alchemy Recipes List
This list is in no way exhaustive, so let us know if you find the full details for anything we haven’t covered in the comments below.
Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Infernal Iron – How to Give it to Dammon
Baldur’s Gate 3 Elixirs recipes
Name | Ingredients | Recipe location | Effect |
Elixir Of The Colossus | Chasm Creeper, Any Suspension | Extract Chasm Creeper | Drink to increase your size. Weapons deal an additional 1d4 damage. You gain Advantage on Strength Checks and saves. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. |
Elixir Of Silvanus | Cauldron of Boiling Theriac, Mugwort Bundle | Read Halsin's Diary before meeting Nettie | Cure Nettie's Poison |
Elixir Of Arcane Cultivation | Vitriol of Weavemoss, Any sublimate | Extract Weavemoss | Gain an additional Level 1 spell slot. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. |
Greater Elixir Of Arcane Cultivation | Suspension of Laculite, Any Vitriol | Extract Laculite | Gain 2 additional Level 1 spell slot. Replaced effects from other elixirs when drunk. |
Elixir Of Barkskin | Salts of Tree Bark, Any Suspension | Extract Wood Bark | Drink to increase your Armour Class to 16. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. |
Elixir Of Peerless Focus | Sublimate of Belladona, Any Ashes | Extract Belladonna | Gain Advantage on Concentration saves. Gain Advantage against the Charm effect. Can't be put to sleep. |
Elixir Of Vigilance | Sublimate of Bloodstained Hook, Any Ashes | Extract Bloodstained Hook | Drink to gain a +5 bonus to Initiative. In addition, you can't be Surprised. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. |
Elixir Of Hill Giant Strength | Ashes of Hill Giant Finger, Any Sublimate | Extract Hill Giant Finger | Increases Strength ability score to 21 until Long Rest |
Elixir Of Bloodlust | Ashes of Worg Fang, Any Salt | Extract Worg Fang | Gain Bloodlust, kill an enemy to gain +5 temporary hit points and an extra action. |
Elixir Of Fire Resistance | Ashes of Dragon Egg Mushroom, Any Salt | Extract Dragon Egg Mushroom | You gain Resistance to Fire damage, and can no longer Burn. |
Elixir Of Poison Resistance | Suspension of Muddy Goo, Any Sublimate | Extract Muddy Goo | Gain Poison damage Resistance until next long rest. |
Elixir Of Lightning Resistance | Salts of Copper Shavings, Any Suspension | Extract Copper Shavings | Gain Acid damage Resistance until next long rest. |
Elixir Of Viciousness | Vitriol of Shadowroot Sac, Any Ashes | Extract Shadowroot Sac | Increases your chance to land a Critical Hit. Replaces effects front other elixirs when drunk. |
Tadpole Elixir | Sublimate of Tongue of Madness, Any Essence | Extract Tongue of Madness | Gain Psionic Weakening and Psionic Enrichment. Replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk. |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Potions recipes
Name | Ingredients | Recipe location | Effect |
Potion Of Healing | Salts of Rogue's Morsel, Any Suspension | Extract Rogue's Morsel | Recover 2d4 + 2 HP. |
Potion Of Greater Healing | Ashes of Balsam, Any Salt | Extract Balsam | Recover 4d4 + 4 HP. |
Potion Of Superior Healing | Salts of Musk Creeper, Any Suspension | Extract Musk Creeper | Recover 8d4 + 8. |
Antidote | Salts of Mugwort, Any Suspension | Extract Mugwort | Neutralizes the effects of all poisons. |
Potion Of Feather Fall | Sublimate of Autumn Crocus, Any Essence | Extract Autumn Crocus | Drink to slow your rate of descent during falls and gain Immunity to Falling damage. |
Potion Of Glorious Vaulting | Sublimate of Wispweed, Any Ashes | Extract Wispweed | Drink this to triple your Jump distance. |
Potion Of Mind Reading | Suspension of Mergrass, Any Sublimate | Extract Mergrass | Drink to probe into the minds of those around you. You will be able to read the thoughts of certain creatures while speaking with them. |
Potion Of Speed | Ashes of Hyena Ear, Any Salt | Extract Hyena Ear | Gain Haste for 3 turns. |
Potion of Animal Speaking | Essence of Acorn Truffle, Any Salt | Extract Acorn Truffle | Gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts until the next long rest. |
Related: How to get the Githyanki Egg in BG3
Baldur’s Gate 3 Grenades recipes
Name | Ingredients | Recipe location | Effect |
Alchemist's Fire | Ashes of Fire Amber, Any Salt | Extract Fire Amber | Deals 1d4 Damage Per turn to any creature it hits |
Fungal Bamboozler | Essence of Timmask Spores, Any Salt | Extract Timmask Spores | Lob this vaporous decoction to Befuddle nearby foes. |
Hearthlight Bomb | Essence of Nightlight, Any Suspension | Extract Nightlight Frond | Illuminates 9m radius. |
Noxious Spore Grenade | Sublimate of Poison Spores, Any Ashes | Extract Poison Spores | Explodes into a virulent cloud that can inflect Noxious Fumes upon creatures within. |
Web Grenade | Suspension of Spider Silk, Any Vitriol | Extract Spider Silk | Explodes into a tangly mess that Enwebs creatures caught within. |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Coatings recipes
Name | Ingredients | Recipe location | Effect |
Basic Poison | Vitriol of Bonecap, Any Ashes | Extract Bonecap | Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become Poisoned. |
Drow Poison | Essence of Swarming Toadstool, Any Salt | Extract Swarming Toadstool | Coat your active weapon with poison. Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become Poisoned and fall Asleep. |
Oil Of Accuracy | Ashes of Daggerroot, Any Salt | Extract Daggerroot | Bonus of +2 in Attack Rolls. |
Oil Of Diminution | Essence of Sylvan Stone, Any Suspension | Extract Sylvan Stone | Targets must throw CON Save, if they fail they gain Strength Disadvantage and 1d4 melee damage reduction. |
Diluted Oil Of Sharpness | Sublimate of Viridian Crystal, Any Salt | Extract Viridian Crystal | Bludgeoning, Slashing or Piercing Resistance is ignored for your weapon, gaining +1 on Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls. |
Oil Of Combustion | Ashes of Mephit, Any essence | Extract Mephit | Inflicts "Oil" on hit, lasts 2 turns. Deal any fire effect to oiled enemies in order to cause 4d4+4 fire damage on them and their surrounding enemies. |
Wizardsbane Oil | Essence of Gremishka Tail, Any Suspension | Extract Gremishka Tail | Coat your weapon in oil. Its targets receive a -3 penalty to Spell Attack Rolls and Spell Save DC, and Disadvantage on Saving Throws for maintaining Concentration for 2 turns. |
Thisobald's Brewed-up Bellyglummer | Salts of Corpse Rose, Any Suspension | Extract Corpse Rose | Coat Weapons, target must pass a DC17 CON Save or gain Poisoned and take 1d6 Poison Damage at the end of each of their turns. |
Simple Toxin | Suspension of Bullywug Trumpet, Any Sublimate | Extract Bullywug Trumpet | Coat your active weapon with toxin that deals an additional 1-4 Poison damage. |
Looking for more on Baldur's Gate 3? We've got you covered at Pro Game Guides! Why not check out BG3 – How to defeat the Spectator in Baldur’s Gate 3, or BG3 All Cleric Subclasses, Ranked.
Published: Aug 10, 2023 02:55 am