Hardcore souls-like combat and challenging platforming go hand-in-hand in Blasphemous 2. In fact, these aspects provide many ways to navigate the levels in Cvstodia, though I wasn't able to get too far without the ability to double jump. As platforming is an important aspect of Blasphemous 2, I definitely wanted to get my hands on the double jump ability. Here's how you can as well.
How to unlock Double Jump in Blasphemous 2 - Passage of Ash Location
To unlock the Double Jump ability in Blasphemous 2, you must head to the southern portion of the map. Beneath the Mother of Mothers lies the area, Beneath Her Sacred Grounds. As you progress further down, you will encounter the boss, Afilaor The Sentinel of the Emery. Defeat the boss and then progress further down until you come to the base of Beneath Her Sacred Grounds.

You will encounter a statute holding an urn. Interact with this to gain the Relic of Contrition Passage of Ash. Once you have this ability, you can press the jump button again to initiate a second jump. With the double jump ability, you can return to previously unreachable areas and progress further in Cvstodia.
Related: Best Weapon Memories for Ruego Al Alba in Blasphemous 2

You can complete this in various orders, but Afilaor is a challenging boss. I recommend upgrading your Bile Flasks and health if you can. Having some upgrades on your weapons, like the Veredicto or Ruego Al Alba, will also be beneficial in defeating this boss. It took me a few tries to defeat Afilaor, but it was well worth it to get the double jump.
For more information on Blasphemous 2, check out Best Rosary Beads in Blasphemous 2 and Is Blasphemous 2 on Game Pass? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 25, 2023 07:58 am