When you wake in Arni Village at the very beginning of Chrono Cross, be sure not to miss any of the hidden items you can find scattered across town. If you miss them, you won't be able to return for a while. Use this guide to find them all, and bulk up your inventory and money pouch for the first hours of the game.
Where are the hidden items in Arni Village?
The game opens with a strange dream, but you'll wake in Serge's room immediately afterward.
Hidden item #1: 200G

Find this secret stash under the foot of Serge's bed.
Hidden item #2: x1Tablet

You can immediately cross Serge's room and find x1Tablet hiding at the bottom of one of the pots.
Hidden item #3: Uplift Element

Find the useful Yellow Element, Uplift, in the Hungryman restaurant on the opposite side of Arni Village. Inside, there's a talking "barrel." Prompt the barrel three times with the action button, and, eventually, you'll get Uplift.
Related: How to recruit Poshul in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
Hidden item #4: Heckran Bone

Stay in the restaurant, but head into the back room behind the barrel. Here, you'll find a Heckran Bone under the bed. Present this bone to Poshul in the training area to have the cute, pink canine join your party.
Hidden item #5: Photon Ray Element

Leave the restaurant and enter the house on the opposite side of the Village, where you'll have a view of Leena with the children on the dock. Search the bucket near the watering can and get Photon Ray—a White Element to match Serge's innate powers—giving you the upper hand in many coming battles.
Hidden item #6: AquaBeam Element

Leave the house and exit this area of the Village to the left. You'll see some of the villagers training with Radius. You can find the Blue Element, AquaBeam, hidden in the bucket to the left.
Hidden item #7: Cure Element

Go up the stairs by that same bucket. In this house, you'll find the likewise Blue Element, Cure, behind the frame on the wall.
Hidden item #8: "Shellfish" frame

Head back to the Village front and check the vendor's stand for a "Shellfish" frame you can use to spruce up the dialogue boxes with a colorful totem pattern.
That's all the hidden items in Arni Village, so make sure to check for them before heading to meet Leena with the Komodo Scales at Opassa Beach!
Looking for more great Chrono Cross content? Be sure to check out How to recruit Leena in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 9, 2022 03:24 pm