How do you know what the best map is for Cities Skylines 2 when you haven't had a chance to use them yet? After some experimenting, I've determined the best starting maps for new players to try out in Cities: Skylines 2.
Each player will have different attributes they consider when deciding on the best maps in Cities: Skylines 2, but that's why we've broken our list into helpful categories. Whether you're looking for oil, ideal land for small cities, or even a challenge for yourself, I have a recommendation to get you started.
What are the best launch maps in Cities Skylines 2?
Starting with the right map in Cities: Skylines 2 can set you up to have a better experience with your gameplay. But choosing a map doesn't come with an easy answer, as different players have different needs. You might be looking for resources, or you may be more concerned with terrain that presents challenges. That's why we've outlined the best maps based on different factors for your city's needs.
Best map for resources in Cities Skylines 2

If you're looking for a map with plentiful resources, I recommend Sweeping Plains. You'll have a large amount of fertile land and forestry, along with tons of ore to mine. The one caveat of Sweeping Plains is that it isn't the best map if you're trying to cash in on oil, though it does have some small amounts of oil available.
Best Cities Skylines 2 map for oil

If you want to focus on harvesting oil, then Great Highlands is the best map for you. It doesn't promise much in the way of forest and ore, but it will provide you with endless amounts of oil to drill for. You can also look forward to a decent amount of fertile land to work with. If ore mining and forestry aren't your priorities, you'll get a lot of mileage out of the Great Highlands map.
Best map for small towns in Cities Skylines 2

If you're hoping to avoid the dreaded urban sprawl, you'll need a map that promotes small towns. The Archipelago Haven map works perfectly for this application, with lots of smaller plots of land dotting the map. Additionally, you'll have access to tons of water if you're looking to increase your shipping industry, work toward ferry access, or raise the value of your land.
Best map for challenging terrains in Cities Skylines 2

Some players want a real challenge to build on, with lots of hills, crevices, and other odd features. This can make gameplay more fun, resulting in creative solutions to various quirks of the land. The Windy Fjords map does exactly this, featuring individual fjords and hills throughout. We recommend being careful with money on this map though, as it might require more complicated infrastructure. Narrow waterways with thick walls between them and sloping hills make for a tough landscape to manage.
Want to read more about Cities Skylines 2? If so, check out Cities Skylines 2 – How to deal with high Service Upkeep costs on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 24, 2023 11:39 am