Dairoku Agents of Sakuratani is a dialed-back visual novel that focuses more on slice-of-life than some of the other Otomate titles. In the game, you can choose to date five different characters, including Akuroou the oni.
Akuroou route guide
Getting all of Akuroou's ending can be a bit tricky, though, unless you know the right dialogue choices to make. You will also need to select to hang out with Akuroou when the map option pops up. Below is how to get all of Akuroou's endings with spoiler-free directions.
Akuroou Good Ending
Choose to go to the locations that Akuroou is at and pick the following choices:
- Ask about the teacup
- Ask to walk with him
- Don’t throw anything at him
- Tell him you’d like to message him
- Embrace him
Related: Best Otome Games
Akuroou Friendship Ending
Skip to Akuroou's route and make the following choices:
- Observe the teacup
- Ask if he’s ok
- You Should Throw them at him
- Do Nothing
Akuroou Bad Ending
To get the bad ending, you simply need to choose to attack Akuroou.
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Published: Dec 2, 2021 02:07 pm