In patch 6.1 of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, a half dozen new mounts were added to the game. Of these was Vinegaroon, a fearsome dinosaur we’ve previous encountered as an enemy in Dravanian Forelands. Here's how you unlock the Vinergaroon mount in Final Fantasy so you can have your own pet dinosaur.
Related: How to unlock the Empyreum Ishgard housing district in Final Fantasy XIV
How to get Vinegaroon in Final Fantasy XIV
Vinegaroon is unlocked by purchasing it with 3,200 Clan Nuts. Clan Nuts are the currency that’s generated by completing Hunts associated with the Shadowbringers and Endwalker expansion.
You can take on hunts by heading to the Guildship Hunt Board. The most recent and valuable hunts are available in Old Sharlayan, at X: 11.8, Y 13.2. These yield between three and 100 Clan Nuts per hunt and are your best option for farming this mount.

Once you’ve got your 3,200 Clan Nuts, head to the NPC J’lakshai <Guildship Hunt Vendor>, also located at X: 11.8, Y 13.2.

The Vinegaroon Horn should be one of the top items on the list. Purchase the horn and use it while it’s in your inventory to unlock the Vinegaroon mount.
For more mount and minion farming guides for Final Fantasy XIV, check out How to unlock the Teacup Kapikulu minion in Final Fantasy XIV on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 12, 2022 08:56 am