While the 10 weeks of tasks is over in Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 4, there is still quite a few challenges to complete if you haven't maxed out your Battle Pass. These have taken shapes in the form of XP Xtravanganza Challenges, which bring out a new batch options to finish if you are looking for extra experience. This will be the third week of them, so make sure to start getting them done while you can! The season is reportedly going to end on November 30th, so you should have until then to complete them all!
Here's a look at the challenges you can complete in the XP Xtravaganza Week 3:
- Deal damage with SMGs (1000, 2500, 5000)
- Eliminate Stark Robots, Gatherers, or Gorgers (10, 25, 50)
- Search chests (10)
- Search ammo boxes (10)
- Search supply drops (10)
- Collect Wood, Stone, or Metal (1000, 1500, 2000)
- Dance on all five colored bridges in a single match (1)
- Eliminate Opponents (20)
Most of these are pretty easy to complete, and are fairly self-explanatory. The only one that might cause you some pause is the dancing on five colored bridges in a single match. These bridges have been around since the first season of the new chapter. You can find all of the bridges with the below map! I realize it's from an earlier season, but the locations are pretty much exactly the same. Plus, this can give you a bit of nostalgia for the earlier days of the chapter!
Eliminating some of the various enemies on the map will be easiest if you just go with Stark Robots. While you could get quite a few done with a Gorger encounter, you can find a bunch of Stark Robots at Stark Industries. They also show up in the various plane landing locations that you will likely come across.
Everything else can be completed at your convenience. Team Rumble will be best for the SMG damage, chests, collecting materials, and even getting eliminations! I would head there if you wanted to get these done as fast as possible.
Published: Nov 18, 2020 03:37 pm