Genshin Impact's Core of the Apparatus event introduces players to Bertrand, a greedy toymaker from Fontaine looking to make a big buck from Inazuma's toy market. The event runs from June 29, 2022, to July 11, 2022, and is open to all players who have completed the following requirements:
- Reach Adventure Rank 30 and above
- Complete the Ritou Escape Plan part of the Inazuma Archon Quest: Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia
- Complete the Chisato's Letter World Quest
How to unlock the Core of the Apparatus event in Genshin Impact
Once you meet all the requirements listed above, you'll automatically get an Event Quest called A-Toymaking We Shall Go. It will prompt you to speak with Katheryne in the Inazuma Adventurer's Guild, and then to the toymaker Bertrand in Ritou. The event is divided into three parts that release within the first three days of the event.
Related: How to complete Geo Archon Anecdotes Achievement in Genshin Impact
How to have Pyro, Hydro, and Electro applied to you in the Genshin Impact Core of the Apparatus event
After completing Source Material Collection, you'll receive the Event Quest called A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Energy Storage. Speak to Bertrand and follow the quest navigator to collect Elemental Energy by having Pyro, Hydro, and Electro applied to you. Make sure to equip the Material Collector Gadget during this segment or your progress won't count toward the quest.

Follow the quest marker to Cape Oath, where you'll find two patches of Flaming Flowers, as well as Pyro and Electro Slimes. Step onto the patch of Pyro and allow the Pyro Slimes to attack you, which will constantly apply Pyro onto you and fill the Material Collector Gadget. You need to have Pyro applied on you for 15 seconds total—it doesn't need to be 15 seconds straight.
When completing this segment, be careful not to use characters who can accidentally apply Hydro, like Mona or Barbara, as they can prevent the Material Collector from filling up.

Follow the quest marker to Yaoguang Shoal, where you'll find some Hydro Slimes and Cryo Whopperflowers. Simply stand between the Slimes and allow them to apply Hydro onto you until the Material Collector fills up. The Cryo Whopperflowers will constantly trigger Freeze, so you need to break out of the frozen state to allow Hydro application to continue.
Like before, you need to have Hydro applied on you for 15 seconds total—it doesn't need to be 15 seconds straight. Avoid using characters like Ayaka who can accidentally apply Cryo and prevent the Material Collector from filling up.

Follow the quest marker to the islet west of the Kujou Encampment and pick up a nearby Electrogranum to propel you to the top of the mountain. Stand between the Electro Slimes and wait for the Material Collector to fill up. Again, you need to have Electro applied on you for 15 seconds total and not necessarily 15 seconds straight.
Return to Bertrand to report your progress. Don't forget to head to the Elemental Charge section in the event menu to claim 60 Primogems and other rewards for completing the segment.
Check out the Genshin Impact Version 2.8 Livestream schedule – Special Program date, time, and how to watch to be the first to discover what's in store for the next update.
Published: Jun 30, 2022 06:20 am