As you explore Vanaheim in God of War Ragnarök, you will partner up with Freya, whose power will come in handy. Once you reach Pilgrim's Landing in Vanaheim, you need to lower the drawbridges to continue. This may leave you wondering how to solve the drawbridge puzzles in Pilgrim's Landing in God of War Ragnarök.
How to lower the first drawbridge in Pilgrim's Landing in God of War Ragnarök- Vanaheim
The first drawbridge you encounter is fairly simple to lower. Aim at the torch on the left next to the red vines. This will cause Freya to target the brazier and shoot a fire arrow at it. This will ignite the red vines and reveal a switch. Throw your axe at the switch on the left, then at the one on the right. This will lower the drawbridge and let you progress.
Related: Where to get the Helios Flare in God of War Ragnarök
How to lower the second drawbridge in Pilgrim's Landing in God of War Ragnarök- Vanaheim
Not long after, you will encounter a second drawbridge. This one is a little harder to solve, but the methods remain mostly the same. Turn to your right and find the pendulum with two braziers. Use your axe to hit the switch and release it. Once it comes to t rest, have Freya target the left and middle portions of the pendulum with her magic.
Use your Blades of Chaos to move the pendulum to the right, catching the right brazier on fire. This will ignite the entire pendulum and the brazier on the left beside the red vines. Have Freya target and shoot this brazier, and it will burn the red vines.
Return to the drawbridge and throw the Leviathan Axe at the two switches on the drawbridge. This will drop the bridge and let you progress through Pilgrim's Landing.
How to find the Legendary Chest in Pilgrims' Landing in God of War Ragnarök
By lowering the second drawbridge, you can find the Legendary Chest in Pilgrim's Landing. Once you have solved the puzzle, cross the bridge and open the chest. It will contain the Grip of the Fallen Alchemist, a handle for the Leviathan Axe.
For more information on God of War, check out How to get Skirnir’s Gambanteinn in God of War Ragnarök and Where to find the Legendary Chest in The Southern Wilds in God of War Ragnarök on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 11, 2022 06:39 am