Those familiar with the Halo series can look forward to medals returning to Halo Infinite. As the player plays, they will get various medals for achieving in-game accomplishments. There are quite a lot of these, and they have numerous ways to get them. However, one thing that may confuse the player is how to get the Mythic Medal.
That's because there is no Mythic Medal—this is made even more confusing by the achievement Slaying with Style, which specifically requires you to get a Mythic Medal. In truth, getting a Mythic Medal requires getting a different difficult medal such as Overkill, Extermination, Running Riot, or Perfection.
Related: All game modes in Halo Infinite
These can be tricky to get in a matchmade game against players. But there is a workaround by entering a Bot Bootcamp match. These enemies will be significantly easier to kill, allowing you to earn the medal easier. You will still need to be somewhat careful as a careless death could ruin your work.
Whether or not this is intended in Halo Infinite is unknown, so any players looking to 100 percent the game or get the Slaying with Style achievement should head to Bot Bootcamp before it is potentially patched out.
For more information on Halo, check out How to AI scan in Halo Infinite and what does it do? and Halo Infinite Esports Roadmap – All Competitive Halo Infinite events 2021-2022 on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 16, 2021 02:30 pm