In Hogwarts Legacy, you will need to keep various resources and items in your arsenal to use during combat and quests. Most items can be purchased from the different shops in Hogsmeade but there is one particular shop that keeps all the botanical assets and for that, you might have to travel far and beyond. Here's where you can find Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogwarts Legacy.
Where is Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogwarts Legacy?

Dogweed and Deathcap is a shop much like the ones you will see in Hogsmeade. But for the most important botanical resources and items, you can always count on Dogweed and Deathcap to provide you with the supplies. You can purchase these in exchange for Galleons instead of searching them on your own. The Dogweed and Deathcap shop is located on the outskirts of the Hogsmeade Village. Travel North from the Village center to find this shop. Look at the map above to see the shop's exact location that is marked with a mushroom symbol. You will be able to spot the shop right beside a graveyard.
Inside the Dogweed and Deathcap, you will find the owner Beatrice Green who is a very kind lady. You can purchase the items on sale but beware of the Mandrake. Beatrice will keep telling you to be careful around it because a customer once bumped into the Mandrake pot and collapsed due to its deathly cry. Fans would remember a much similar scenario where Neville collapsed during a lesson on Mandrakes in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
The items that can be purchased are Mandrake seed which costs around 800 Galleons, Venomous Tentacula seed for 1,050 Galleon, and Chinese Chomping Cabbage seed for 600 Galleons. You can also buy the fertilizer with 300 Galleons and use it to grow the seeds into magical plants in the Room of Requirement. Alternatively, you can also buy the three different plants instead of packet seeds which are also available at the store: Mandrake for 500 Galleons, Chinese Chomping Cabbage for 300 Galleons, and Venomous Tentacula for 600 Galleons.
To find out more on Hogwarts check out, How to increase your Ancient Magic gauge in Hogwarts Legacy and How to get a Focus Potion in Hogwarts Legacy on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 9, 2023 06:18 am