If you are a trophy chaser, you may have noticed a weird little achievement called Full House in House Flipper 2. It states that you need to find all nine Bessies to complete it, and they are pretty challenging to spy.
All squirrel statues locations in House Flipper 2
There are three map sections that are currently available in House Flipper 2, and each one has between seven and nine jobs to complete in them. It looks like there will be two to four Bessies hidden in each of the three sections, giving us a total of nine of these adorable statues.
Pinnacova Suburbs

The first location you will have access to in House Flipper 2 is the suburbs of Pinnacove. There are a total of eight jobs in this location, but only three of them will have the Bessie statues you need to complete the Full House achievement.
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So you wanna be a house flipper?

In the level called So you wanna be a house flipper?, check out the shelves in the bedroom. There will be a Bessie statue on the shelf by the window.
I have a new quest for you

Bessie number two can be found in the basement of the level called I have a new quest for you. If you are standing outside the house in the driveway and you open the garage door, you will find a tool bench and some shelves. Walk straight into the room and look on the second-to-top shelf; there is a Bessie near the luggage.
Making room for our new baby

While the level called Making room for our new baby has you mostly working in the baby's room, there are several other rooms that aren't part of the job. One of these is the living room; if you look here in front of the fireplace, there is a yellow box filled with toys on the floor. There is a Bessie inside of it.
Out with the old!

If you head to Emma Becker's place to clean everything up to help her sell it, you can find the last Bessie in this area. When you enter the house through the front door, look immediately to your right; there will be a whole mess of boxes and things packed up there. On the top will be a big rubber duck wearing a top hat that is hiding a Bessie behind it.
Crayfish Coast

The next location you'll get access to is called Crayfish Coast. This beautiful seaside neighborhood is filled with all sorts of beach houses, scenic views, and several more Bessies. In order to get them all, you'll need to go through each of the nine jobs there with a fine-toothed comb.
Tiny House to Flip

If you look up during the Tiny House renovation job, there are some neat-looking wooden shelves on both sides of the main room. At the end of one of these shelves is a Bessie doll, hidden in the corner furthest from the front door.
My crew is moving here

While doing the job called My crew is moving here, you can find this little statue hidden in the laundry room. If you enter from the front door, there will be a kitchen to your left. Next to the kitchen is a closed door with a washing machine inside. Look to the right of the washing machine on the floor.
Coralroot Forest

The final map section is called Coralroot Forest; it is located in the forested portion of town. It has seven more jobs that you can complete, and there are even more dolls to find here, hidden among the cabins in the woods.
My house doesn't feel like home

The very first email from this map location is My house doesn't feel like home. If you enter through the front door and head up the stairs, there is a white bookshelf filled with knickknacks. Second, from the top shelf holds one of these coveted statues.
Exterior Renovation

If you go to the second floor and look for the child's room on the Exterior Renovation level, there is a statue of Bessie sitting on one of the shelves next to the door. It will be hidden among the other toys there.
Adding a music studio

In the little kitchen area of the music studio, open the glass cabinet above the coffee maker. Inside will be a bottle of wine, some coffee grounds, and a Bessie statue waiting for you to grab.
For more House Flipper 2, check out Is House Flipper 2 Multiplayer? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 30, 2023 12:30 am