Speedrunning has remained a highly popular way to play many games, and Minecraft is no exception. This list of the best Minecraft Speedrun seeds provides you with everything you'll need to dominate the Nether and the End as quickly as possible.
Best Minecraft Java Speedrun Seeds
From nearly-complete Nether portals right next to Spawn and guaranteed End Portal locations, these three seeds have everything you need to speedrun Minecraft!
Instant Nether Portal

Seed: 6204355609993075367
This seed spawns you near two Plains Villages and a nearly completed ruined portal that is only missing two obsidian. The chest in front of it contains one obsidian, a flint and steel, and a few gold tools and armor pieces. I placed dirt blocks on top of the lava in the center of the portal to reveal the bottom, leaving the lava on the left and right to use for completing the portal. To complete the portal, you can use the one piece of obsidian provided, then break the crying obsidian at the top of the portal and use the bucket trick for the missing piece. A nearby Stony Shore has enough iron to do this.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Stony Shore Iron Deposit: -187, 271 |
Nearly Complete Portal: 72, 120 |
Plains Village with Food: -160, 128 |
End Portal with 2 Eyes (Missing 10): 1,491, 35, 44 |
Complete Portal Spawn

Seed: 2103917266337856349
This portal is only about 30 blocks from Spawn, making this one of the fastest trips to the Nether ever! You will have to destroy one crying obsidian on the portal and replace it with obsidian. The portal's chest contains enough obsidian to replace the crying obsidian and fill in the missing block. It also contains three flint and steel, so you'll have no problem activating the portal. The End Portal can be found 2,500 blocks northwest of Spawn, requiring 10 additional Eyes of Ender to be activated.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Ruined Portal: 33, 25 |
End Portal with 2 Eyes (Missing 10): -1,638, -24, -996 |
End Portal in 1,000 Blocks

Seed: 6142510393935951457
As far as Strongholds and End Portals go, this one is relatively close to Spawn at about 1,000 blocks away. The hardest part of this speedrun seed is going to the nether and collecting the Eyes of Ender, but each can be done with a little finessing! For more travel time and less work, there is a portal that can be completed using only the obsidian in its chest and a single bucket. However, if you're willing to grab a bucket or two and use that method of portal creation to cut down on travel time, there is a large pool of lava right next to Spawn that is perfect for portal building.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Spawn: -496, -48 |
Lava Pool for DIY Portal: -508, -27 |
Easy Portal to Complete: -1,046, -1,243 |
End Portal Requiring 11 Eyes: -1,611, -15, 26 |
Best Minecraft Bedrock Speedrun Seeds
Just like the previous seeds, these seeds offer quick access to the Nether as well as designated End Portal locations. They're perfect for trying to get the next fastest time, or just showing off to your friends.
Primed Desert Portal

Seed: 3721501446257108014
This Desert Village has been watching over the portal for generations, just waiting for someone like you to conquer the monstrosities on the other side! Visit the blacksmith within the village to obtain six obsidian. Dig up the sand around the portal, rebuild it, and venture to a new dimension. If you want to go all the way in your speedrun, the End Portal can be found in the nearby sea next to a Mushroom Island.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Ruined Portal: -395, 222 |
Blacksmith with Six Obsidian: -443, 235 |
Cave Entrance: -344, 238 |
End Portal: -1,277, -2, 1,875 |
Related: Best Minecraft Village Seeds
Swampy Nether Entrance

Seed: 2226332980945734286
This portal lies a few hundred blocks from Spawn, but as soon as you get to it you can immediately head to the Nether! The chest contains both flint and steel and enough obsidian to finish the frame, and the nearby dirt blocks can be used to quickly remove the water from the frame. When you've conquered the Nether, you can travel to the End Portal to defeat that dimension too. Just be careful, as the Stronghold it resides in coincides with a mineshaft containing many mobs.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Spawn: -16, -256 |
Ruined Portal: -363, -352 |
End Portal with Mineshaft: 2,965, 2,965 |
DIY Portal Start

Seed: 1736094854599961109
This ruined portal is surrounded by lava on the bottom and water on the sides, making it the perfect place for a DIY portal using the bucket method. If you're not a fan of the DIY method, there is a nearby Taiga Village that has a home containing four obsidian! All you'd need to do is remove the lava and the one block of crying obsidian at the portal's base, then fill in all of the gaps with the available obsidian.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Ruined Portal: -283, 81 |
Taiga House with 4 Obsidian: -205, 116 |
End Portal with One Eye: -3,216, -44, 636 |
For more fun ways to play Minecraft, check out our list of the Best Minecraft Adventure Maps on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 11, 2023 07:37 pm