There are many blocks in Minecraft, one is called a lodestone, and it is required to make a unique compass that can be used in all Minecraft dimensions.
How to craft a Lodestone in Minecraft
To craft a lodestone in Minecraft, you will need eight chiseled stone bricks and one netherite ingot placed in a crafting table. You will need to put all eight chiseled stone bricks in every slot except the middle one; you will need to place the netherite ingot in the middle slot. If you need an example of how to arrange the pattern, check our image below.
But before you can make lodestone, you will need to go through the process of getting both chiseled stone bricks and netherite ingots. Let's start with how to craft chiseled stone bricks. To craft chiseled stone bricks, you will need two stone brick slabs placed in the crafting recipe pattern shown below. However, you will still need to follow a few steps before crafting the stone brick slabs you need for the chiseled stone bricks.
First, you will need four stone blocks; you can stone blocks by melting down cobblestone blocks in a furnace. Once you get four stone blocks, place them in the pattern shown below inside a crafting table; this will create stone bricks, which you will need for the next step, which is to craft the stone brick slabs you need.
When you get the stone bricks, place them in the pattern shown below; this will craft the slabs you need for the chiseled stone bricks.
After you get the chiseled stone bricks, you will need to craft netherite ingots; you can craft netherite ingots with four gold ingots and four netherite scrap. You can get gold ingots by melting down gold ore, and you can get netherite scrap by melting ancient debris. Both can be found underground, but for ancient debris, you will need to search underground in the nether for it.
Once you gathered a fair amount of both, used the pattern in the image above to craft it; then, when you have both netherite ingots and chiseled stone bricks, use the pattern at the start of the guide to make lodestone.
Related: How to make a Compass in Minecraft
How to use Lodestone in Minecraft.
A lodestone is required to make the new lodestone compass in Minecraft; that said, to use a lodestone, you will need to place it on the ground. Once placed, take out a compass from your inventory and put it in your hot bar, and then walk up to the lodestone and use your interaction key on it. After clicking the lodestone, it will turn your regular compass into a lodestone compass.

You will then be able to use this lodestone compass to find your way back, as the compass needle will always point to the location of the lodestone block. Because of this, we highly recommend using the compass when inside the nether. Along with that, we also suggest putting the lodestone block next to your nether portal to help you find your way back when exploring.
For more on Minecraft, PGG has you covered with guides like how to change weather and how to make a composter.
Published: Jan 13, 2021 10:52 am