Slimeballs are quite useful for crafting in the game but are quite hard to come by if your world doesn't have the right biomes available to you. I will tell you what you need to know about slimeballs in this guide!
How to make Slimeballs in Minecraft
You can't make a slimeball in Minecraft. There's no way to craft one in the game at the moment, and you would have to use a mod to grant you this ability.
Why do I need Slimeballs in Minecraft?
The main use for a Slimeball in Minecraft is to craft a Lead, Magma Cream, Slime Block, or Sticky Piston. Using the last two is uncommon, but the first two items can be quite useful! Leads are important for guiding animals around, and Magma Cream is used in some important potion recipes. Slimeballs can be employed for frog breeding, causing tadpoles' remaining growth time to decrease by 10%. Additionally, both slimeballs will trail a player when held.
How to find Slimeballs in Minecraft
To get slimeballs in Minecraft, you can either kill Slimes in swamp biomes, which is difficult if you don't have a swamp nearby. You can get them from Baby Pandas sneezing, which is also hard because they only appear in bamboo jungles. Finally, you can purchase them from a Wandering Trader, which is just luck if he has them or not.
Killing Slimes
Slimes are pretty much a rare spawn that can only be found in two different areas. You can find them spawning at night in swamp biomes. This is a rare biome with shallow waters, creepy plants, and witch huts. If you head to an area like this at night, then you should hopefully encounter a Slime spawn. They have an even greater chance of spawning on nights with a full moon, so be sure to take advantage of that.

Slimes can also spawn in something called Slime Chunks. A chunk is a 16x16 section of a Minecraft map area and is how the world is generated into manageable pieces. They can only spawn below layer 40, and these Slime Chunks only occur in 1/10 of all chunks.
Related: How to Make A Map in Minecraft
Sneezing Baby Pandas
Well, this is a weird way to get slimeballs, but it's an option available to you! When a Baby Panda sneezes, it can rarely drop a slimeball. Pandas only spawn in bamboo jungle biomes, which are rare. Jungle biomes themselves can be a bit difficult to locate, and bamboo jungle is a rare off-shoot of one of them! So, if you happen to have a bamboo jungle biome in your world, you have a chance to find pandas and hope a baby sneezes up some slime. Unfortunately, to make this even more difficult, baby pandas have a low spawn rate, so don't expect to see them frequently! Our 1.16 Minecraft Seeds post also has some worlds with bamboo jungle biomes to explore!
Wandering Trader
Another way to get slimeballs is through the Wandering Trader. He is a random spawn that sometimes occurs in your game. You will recognize him by the two trader llamas he has leashed up and his blue robe. You can interact with him, and he will have a set of five random items that he will sell you. If you're lucky, he will have slimeballs available for sale for 3 emeralds each!
If you are trying to get slimeballs for a leash, then you can use the Wandering Trader for this purpose as well. If you kill the wandering trader, he will drop two leads you can pick up. You can also separate him from his llamas, and their leads should break, or you can just kill them, dropping the leads.
Looking for more guides for Minecraft? We have many resources for all things Minecraft! Check out How to find your Minecraft world seed and How to enable cheats in Minecraft only on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 24, 2023 10:23 am