If you want to get more perks on the items you craft, such as weapons, tools, and armor, you will need first to level up your skill at making those types of items.
The more you level up, the better you will become at making axes, pickaxes, and armor. This, in turn, will increase the chances of perks appearing on your crafted items.
For example, having a high level in weaponsmithing will increase the chances for perks to appear on weapons you craft. Having a high level also applies to other skills, such as potions, armor, etc. However, only items you can equip on your character will have perks, but the concept remains the same. If you want better items, you need to raise the level.
That said, you can raise the level of crafting skills such as armorsmithing and weaponsmithing by making items that fall in those categories. The same applies to other crafting skills, so the idea is to make a lot of low-cost items to slowly but surely raise your level to a good rank.

Once your crafting skill is high enough, you will find that you will have a better chance of getting perks on your items. However, you can also further increase the chances of perks appearing if you add some azoth.
Adding azoth to a weapon will increase the chances of not only perks appearing but also gem slots and better attributes as well. Depending on the level of the item and your skill you can also add up to 75 azoth to increase the chance for perks to appear.

But azoth is not the only way to get perks on your items, nor is having a high skill. Throughout the game, you can find specific items that can be added to weapons to guarantee either perks or certain attributes, as shown above.
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Published: Oct 4, 2021 08:13 am