In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, each Pokémon excels at different roles due to their stat spread. These are Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed. These are then affected by a Pokémon's Nature. This is true for all Pokémon, including Lickitung and Lickilicky.
Related: Best Nature for Happiny, Chansey, and Blissey in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Best Natures
To make the most out of your Lickitung and Lickilicky in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you will need to choose the best Nature. Below we have compiled the best options for the best Nature for Lickitung and Lickilicky.
- Adamant: Attack (+), Special Attack (-)
- Careful: Special Defense (+), Special Attack (-)
How to choose the best Nature
You can choose either the Adamant or Careful Natures as the best for Lickitung and Lickilicky. It comes down to whether you prefer the normal-type Pokémon to be stronger or more defensive against special attacks. This should determine which of the two Natures you choose.
The Adamant Nature will increase Lickitung and Lickilicky's Attack and allow it to hit harder. The Careful Nature increases their Special Defense, allowing them to survive more reliably against special attacks. Both Natures take away from Special Attack, which Lickitung and Lickilicky do not need.
For more information on Pokémon, check out Best Nature for Shellos and Gastrodon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus and How to get Gigaton Balls in Pokémon Legends: Arceus on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 3, 2022 02:46 pm