The Covert Cloak in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is a hold item that prevents additional effects from damaging moves from triggering on the holder. Obtaining it requires players to get to Levincia, located in the East, and purchasing it from the Delibird Presents shop there. It would do players well to do some Tera Raids and get Stardust to afford the 20,000 Poké Dollar item. Here is everything that players need to know about the Covert Cloak in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Where to get the Covert Cloak in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Players can get their hands on the Covert Cloak hold item in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet by traveling to Levincia near East Province Area Two. The town is home to the Electric Gym, recommended to take on after fighting Fire Crew of Team Star.The Delibird Presents shop can be found near the center of the northern part of the city, selling the Covert Cloak for 20,000 LP or Poké Dollars. Players that are unable to make the purchase can do a few Tera Raids for items to sell or go around the overworld to pick up items.
Related: Can you complete Tera Raids solo in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet?
What does the Covert Cloak do in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet?
Covert Cloak is an item new to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and causes the holder to be immune to secondary effects from moves. This essentially removes much of the randomness of many moves with only a chance of inflicting a secondary effect like Thunder Fang's 10% chance of inflicting Paralysis or flinching the target. There are also a number of moves that have a 100% chance of activating a secondary effect, such as Acid Spray's Special Defense lowering, and Covert Cloak will protect the wearer from having the effect trigger entirely. This does not work on Status Moves that only have one purpose, like Thunder Wave, and it doesn't stop secondary effects of moves that only effect the user, like Torch Song.
For more item guides, check out How to get Loaded Dice in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 20, 2022 01:46 am