In the best RPG games on Roblox, you can become any type of class, character, and guild that you want to be. Voxlblade, in particular, has tons of various guilds you can join that will make your experience unique by requiring specific sets of skills and granting some diverse benefits. Each one is different than the other. Here are all the guild choices and the details on how to join them.
All Voxlblade Guilds List

There are nine guilds in total in Voxlblade, and each grant a special benefit for progressing in its ranks. They also will require different tasks to be completed to join them, some leading down the path to a negative reputation and some leading to a positive reputation. Here are all your choices:
Oni Guild
The Oni Guild requires you to first join the Monk Guild before transitioning over to the Oni Guild so that you can purchase the armor set. The set costs 4k cash and a -100 reputation to guarantee that you acquire it. The Oni Guild focuses on boosts to your character, such as physical boost, speed, hex boost, holy defense, and heat and cold resistance. However, it also requires you to wear the armor set to keep all these special statuses.
- General Location: Death Tower, Deadlands
- Guildmaster: Null
- Reputation: Negative
- Type Priority: Physical
- Leaveable?: Yes, but weapon is permanent
Flux Mage Guild
The Flux Mage Guild focuses on stats such as magic boosts, physical boosts, magic damage, and physical resistance and teaches various magical abilities, like weapon channeling, that help you excel in battle. This guild doesn't require any major prerequisites, such as a built reputation. They accept any willing learner.
- General Location: Chilly Pass, Desert
- Guildmaster: Magnolia
- Reputation: Neutral
- Type Priority: Magic
- Leaveable?: Yes
Hex Guild
The Hex Guild, or Curse Guild, specializes in their abilities in Status Effects of Ailments and Enfeebablements. However, this also leaves the user in a damage-vulnerable state with lower Hex Defense. Hex users are capable of consuming bonded corruption to stack their power and increase the duration of their debuffs but also sacrifice some of their defense in the process.
- General Location: Void
- Guildmaster: ALICE
- Reputation: Positive
- Type Priority: Status Effect
- Leaveable?: Yes
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Vampire Guild
Members of the Vampire Guild can place their Spawn point at any of the "???" Hand locations, using their Descent ability to get to each location quickly. They focus on health-draining abilities that allow them to absorb HP from enemies they kill and deal greater damage when in darkness. However, with this power also comes a weakness to daylight and Holy power.
- General Location: Dark Cave, Overgrown Forest
- Guildmaster: ???
- Reputation: Negative
- Type Priority: Physical
- Leaveable?: No
Draco Guild
To join the Draco Guild, players must be dragon-blooded, which is a specific race. Although you must be the exact race, your reputation doesn't matter. This guild focuses on skills in Physical and Magic and seeks to play to the dragon-blooded strengths such as warding, protection, and resistance, which make them the best tanky guilds.
- General Location: Tundra
- Guildmaster: Byzmth
- Reputation: Neutral
- Type Priority: Physical/Magic
- Leaveable?: No
Knight Guild
The Knights Guild is all about physical strength through and through, with boosts that increase your damage as well as physical and base defense. The best feature of the Knight Guild is their ability to summon an anvil and upgrade their equipment. Alongside the Dracos, they are another of the biggest tank Guilds that focus in on defensive stats and abilities.
- General Location: Tundra
- Guildmaster: Talons
- Reputation: Positive
- Type Priority: Physical
- Leaveable?: Yes
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Cleric Guild
The Cleric Guild is also known as the healers of the guilds. While some would assume they are similar to the Monks, they actually world differently. They focus on Holy type abilities, such as Heal Boost, and defensive abilities that protect and grant HP to themselves and others around them. They are the ultimate support guild that seeks to assist their allies as much as possible.
- General Location: Church, Wilderness
- Guildmaster: Cleric Leo
- Reputation: Positive
- Type Priority: Holy
- Leaveable?: Yes
Gladiator Guild
The Gladiator Guild is another guild that is only complete with its essential set of armor, the Void Eater. With this set of armor, the user is granted extra physical and damage boosts, speed, and defense. This is probably one of the fastest attacking guilds in the game, with all their benefits extending toward speed multipliers as well as physical strength.
- General Location: Rock Cave, Entrance of Volcano
- Guildmaster: Gladiator
- Reputation: Negative
- Type Priority: Physical
- Leaveable?: Yes
Monk Guild
The Monk Guild grants a unique weapon of the Fists. Along with this, they focus on boosts such as speed, defense, and physical strength. They have resistance to all types of weather and special bonuses of prolonged debuffs. They don't need much more than their fists. You can leave them, but you will never be able to rejoin once you do, and the weapon will be permanent.
- General Location: Vinelands
- Guildmaster: Gifist
- Reputation: Positive
- Type Priority: Physical
- Leaveable?: Yes, but weapon is permanent
How to join a guild in Voxlblade
To join a guild in Voxlblade, you need to track down the Guildmaster and usually complete a task or initiation for them. Most guilds will require you to first be level 15+ to join them, and some require further prerequisites as well. Once you're in the guild, you will receive the guild benefits, which usually boost your stats in selected fields. You can progress through multiple tiers of the guild by completing progression tasks that usually require you to kill enemies or carry out specific quests. Further tiers and ranks in the guild come with greater rewards and benefits.
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Published: Apr 14, 2023 06:25 am