Grab your candy buckets, the 2021 Royalloween celebration has officially begun! Royale High's annual Halloween festivities bring players from across the Roblox platform together for a month of apple bobbing, costume creating, candy collecting, and all around spooky fun. This year, Royale High has rolled out new Candy Chests filled to the brim with delicious treats and even a limited edition 2021 prize bag.
For a full walkthrough on every chest location continue reading below!
Chest 1
The first chest can be found just outside of the apple bobbing stalls at spawn. You should see a large brick house illuminated with a dark greenish light. As you approach the house the wooden door will swing open, inviting you inside.

Head through the front door and turn to your left, you should see a large chest sitting in front of a window. Walk up to the chest and click on the lock to open it. Inside will be a large pile of candies for you to enjoy!

Chest 2
The second chest that you're looking for can be found just inside the Train Station gates. Exit the first house and follow the path to the right, you should see the building glowing bright purple with spooky lights! Follow the small set of stairs up to the train platform and look for a luggage cart—the second chest should be directly next to it.

Click on the chest to open it and obtain your reward!

Related: How to Get the New Premium Eco House in Roblox Adopt Me
Chest 3
The third chest is slightly harder to find than the first two as it's tucked away inside of a small corner house on the upper level of Wickery Cliffs. To find it quickly, leave the train station and head left. You should pass an NPC in a blue tent offering diamonds in exchange for candy.

As soon as you walk past her tent and the large jack-o-lantern next to it, take a right up the narrow stairs. Follow these stairs and you should see panes of colorful glass emitting ghosts along the path. Directly in front of the second pane of glass is the door that you'll need to enter in order to find the third chest.

Walk through the double doors of the small house and down the spiral stairs to the chest. Click on it to collect your sweet treats!

Chest 4
The fourth chest can be found by leaving the small house and taking a right. On the path in front of you, there should be a trail of glimmering yellow and green lights. Follow this trail and it will lead you directly to the chest.

Your pile of candy should be getting bigger and bigger! Click on the chest to open it and fill your pockets!

Chest 5
The final chest is a bit of trek away from the previous locations, but not hard to find once you get there. To unlock the fifth chest you'll want to leave the main area of Wickery Cliffs and head towards the houses. The path to the houses can be found near the fountain and apple bobbing stalls, you should see a large Wickery Cliffs arch above the entrance.

Follow the path from the spawn area to the neighborhood. Once inside the neighborhood, look for a break in between two of the houses on the right side. A dirt and stone path will take you to the fifth and final chest!

This chest will offer you a large amount of candy along with a special 2021 candy bag!

Once you've claimed your prizes you can equip your new bag by clicking the tab on the right side of your screen to open the menu, and then clicking the Dress Up! option. From this menu, select the Show All button. You should now see your customizable and useable Pillowcase Candy Bag 2021!

For more Royalloween content, check out our guide on how to get the Gothicutie outfit set in Roblox Royale High or How to get Candy in Roblox Royale High!
Published: Oct 4, 2021 5:11 PM UTC