A Universal Time, inspired primarily by the anime and manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, gives you the power to utilize a vast array of special abilities taken from various fan-favorite anime characters, including the immensely strong and powerful Jujutsu Kaisen character, Yuta. Continue reading below for a quick walkthrough on how to unlock Yuta, or as he's named in game, Cursed Child.
How to unlock Yuta in A Universal Time
To unlock Yuta, you'll need three Cursed Child shards, which can be obtained at random via the ability banner or by opening chests. Once you have three of the necessary shards, you'll be able to craft Cursed Child's ability.
What are Yuta's moves in A Universal Time; is Yuta good?
Key | Move Name | Move Description |
LMB/M1 | Rush Attack | Yuta's standard punch attack. This move can be chained into multiple punches and one final blow that knocks enemies back slightly. |
Q | Queen of Curses | Activates the Queen of Curses ability |
J | Back Flash | Yuta grabs a nearby enemy and smashes them into the ground, sending them flying forward |
E | Bladework Rush | Yuta begins a combo that hits the opponent three times, dealing a decent amount of damage each time. |
E (With Queen of Curses Active) | Cleave | Unleashes two powerful slashes that deal a good amount of damage. |
G | Batter | Yuta unleashes a kick combo attack that deals solid damage. |
G (With Queen of Curses Active) | Sacrificial Love | Everyone in the path of destruction is held in a powerful beam of energy that obliterates their health and throws them backward when it ends. |
Y | Cursed Speech | Yuta blasts an opponent with cursed energy to stun them, and then knocks them back with the same attack. |
Y (With Queen of Curses Active) | Rampage | The opponent is grabbed and powerfully slammed into the ground, and is then slashed multiple times with each slash dealing a hefty amount of damage. |
T | Cursed Blast | Yuta launches, as the name implies, a cursed blast that knocks back and damages anyone in his path. |
T (With Queen of Curses Active) | Slam | Opponent is slammed into the ground and takes a hefty amount of damage. |
U | Extermination | Yuta begins a dramatic and strong combo attack that deals a good amount of damage. |
R | Feint Slash | Slash and kick combo attack that allows Yuta to damage the opponent before knocking them back. |
R (With Queen of Curses Active) | Strike | Opponent is hit with a powerful punch that throws them backward, stunning them upon impact. |
B | Grapple | A counter attack that grabs incoming opponents and deals a quick burst of decent damage. |
V | Mimicry | Yuta damages the opponent slightly, and then copies up to two of their moves, which can then be used against them. |
H | Thin Ice Breaker | A strong knockback move that gives one stack for the move(s) Yuta copied. |
That's it for this quick guide on how to get Cursed Child in A Universal Time. What do you think of this character? Is he too OP? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
Looking for more A Universal Time content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get Whitesnake in A Universal Time (AUT) – Roblox or How to get The Strongest (Gojo) in A Universal Time (AUT) – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Jan 10, 2024 02:12 pm