Limited edition pets and eggs are just one part of what makes Pet Simulator X go 'round, but it's quite a big part to say the least! In some cases, these eggs and pets are added with holiday events, such as Halloween or Christmas; in others, they're added with a weekly or monthly update and removed soon after. While the recently added Event Egg 1 seems to be a permanent addition, we can't say that for sure, so if you want to hatch one for yourself, it's better to do it sooner rather than later!
How to get an Event Egg 1 in Pet Simulator X
The easiest way to obtain this egg is through the Huge-A-Tron, which can be found in the Shop area of Spawn World. Once inside Spawn World, head toward the bank on the left side of the map—next to the bank should be a large wall that requires you to pay ten million Diamonds to unlock.

As you may have guessed, the Huge-A-Tron is located behind this wall, meaning the only way you can make huge pets (and unlock a Huge Machine Egg in turn) is by paying a whopping ten million diamonds, on top of the general cost to use the machine.

Related: Pet Simulator X Value List
How to get an Event Egg 1 using the Huge-A-Tron in Pet Simulator X
The way in which this machine works can be a bit confusing, so we'll try our best to break it down for you. Previously, the only pets that could be put into this machine were paid-exclusive pets, meaning any exclusive pets you obtained for free from eggs or by completing quests, ie the Hippomelon, Elf Cat, Elf Dog, Pog Cat, Pog Dog, etc., couldn't be used. You must have either purchased a Pet Sim X plush and gotten a physical code, or paid Robux for a digital code and pet. Now, however, thanks to the Piñata Update, Event pets can also be used in the Huge-A-Tron machine, and, when combined for enough points, will output an Event Egg 1.
Assuming you paid the ten million Diamonds to unlock the area, and have multiple Event pets in your inventory, you can begin using the Huge-A-Tron machine. Similar to the Golden Pet Machine, or Rainbow Pet Machine, the more pets you attempt to merge in the Huge-A-Tron, the less it will cost you to do. What's different about this specific machine, however, is that it runs on an additional point system, rather than just the standard rarity measurement, meaning every Event pet you add into the machine has its own point equivalent.
The older and rarer your Event pet is, the more points it will be worth—rarer and older pets will be worth closer to five points, whereas newer and less rare pets will be worth closer to one point. On top of that, pets that are Shiny will give a bonus of +3 points, pets that are Rainbow a bonus of +2 points, and pets that are Gold a bonus of +1 point. In order to use the Huge-A-Tron machine and earn an Event Egg 1, the total number of points earned by your Event pets need to equate to a minimum of 100 points total. If your combined number of points can't reach 100, you won't be able to use the machine and get the egg.
If you are able to reach 50 points, it'll cost you 800 Robux to use the Huge-A-Tron machine. If you're able to hit 75 points, it'll cost you 300 Robux, and if you reach the finale of 100 points, merging your pets will be free—free plus the ten million Diamonds it costed to open the door—but free nonetheless, right? And be sure to keep in mind, unlike other machines in Pet Simulator X, merging your Event pets in the Huge-A-Tron does not technically create one specific Huge pet as the outcome; it instead creates the Event Egg 1.
Related: How to get the Diamond Hoverboard in Pet Simulator X – Roblox
Event Egg 1 Pet List
The Event Egg 1Â can have one of four pets inside of it. The likelihood of hatching each of these pets can be found below.
- Cool Cat -Â 50%
- Cool Corgi -Â 35%
- Cool Dragon -Â 14%
- Huge Cool Cat - 1%
That's it for our guide on how to hatch an Event Egg 1 in Pet Simulator X! Though it's expected that this egg will stick around for a while, if not permanently, Pet Simulator X is always changing, so nothing is guaranteed. If you're interested in obtaining one, it's always best to do it sooner rather than later!
Looking for more Pet Simulator X content? Check out some of our other guides on What does RAP mean in Pet Simulator X? – Roblox or How to get the Cat Royalty Achievement in Pet Simulator X – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: May 2, 2023 08:18 am