Automatic farming is an efficient way for users to grow their inventory and continue developing their ever-growing homestead passively—this is especially the case in the sandbox style Roblox experience Islands.
You can create many different kinds of automatic farms to help the resource collection process run more smoothly, one of which works to farm iron. In this guide, we'll be going over how you can create your own automatic iron farm and what it will cost.
To start the development of your iron farm, you'll need to ensure that you have a few items first:
- A workbench that's at least tier three
- Multiple conveyor belts
- Three iron smelters
- Glass
- An industrial chest
- Iron totems
Related: How to make an automatic potato farm in Roblox Islands?
Getting Started
- Create a designated plot of land for your farm.
- Place your three smelters on your plot of land.
- Ensure that they are at least three blocks apart from each other and all are facing the same direction.
- Create three lines of conveyor belts that go through each smelter and meet in the middle.
- The two horizontal conveyor belts should be ramps.
- For help in making conveyor belts, check out our guides on how to get steel rods in Roblox Islands and find all resource types in Roblox Islands.
- The finished product should look similar to the diagram below:
- The two horizontal conveyor belts should be ramps.

- At the end of where your conveyor belts meet, place an industrial chest or whatever storage system works best for you.

- Create and add a glass pane to hover between the area where the two horizontal conveyor ramps face each other.
- This will stop the iron from bumping into each other and clogging the conveyer or bouncing off of it.

- Place as many iron totems as you can fit along the conveyor belt before the smelter.
- The player can purchase iron totems for 4,000 coins from Arius.

- The iron totems should begin spawning iron ore and dropping it along your conveyor belt.
- If done correctly, the iron ore will ride the conveyer belt through the smelter, turn to iron, and then continue riding the conveyer until it enters the industrial chest that you've placed at the end.
- Collect your iron from the chest.
That's it! You should now have a fully functioning automatic iron farm! For an even more detailed explanation, we'd suggest watching the tutorial created by YouTuber Carbon Meister Plays.
For more Roblox Islands content, including guides and updates, check back with the Roblox section of Pro Game Guides often!
Published: Oct 27, 2021 11:34 am