Do you dream of climbing Mt. Everest but don't want the hypothermia that comes with it? Well, you're in luck! You can try it out right now from the comfort of your own home in Mt. Everest Climbing Roleplay. Grab your gear, prep your supplies, and let's get going!
How to climb to the summit in Mt. Everest Climbing Roleplay
Don't worry if you've never played this experience before—it seems more intimidating than it actually is. After completing a brief tutorial, look for a small wooden sign that says Everest Trail Route—following the path behind this sign will lead you up the mountain.

There's no jump ability in this experience, so it's up to you to simply follow the correct path and walk up the mountain. As you maneuver throughout your trek, be sure to keep an eye on your stats in the bottom-left corner. The green bar is your health, which will decrease if you fall from tall heights, the blue bar is your thirst, which gets progressively lower as you walk, and the orange bar is your oxygen level, which decreases more quickly the higher you climb.
If any of these levels get too low, you'll die and be transported back to the bottom of the mountain, so it's important to keep an eye on them! Health can be regained at camps, as well as oxygen and water. As you walk along the first path, you'll eventually reach a sign that says Path to Camp 1—continue forward along the trail to reach the first camp.

Once you've made it to the camp, you can regain health by standing in front of the campfire, refilling your water bottle at the water pump, and refilling your oxygen using the tank on the table. All of these will be labeled with floating markers.

When you're all refilled and ready to continue up the mountain, leave the camp and follow along the designated path. As you travel, you'll run into a few warning signs, similar to the one below, that advise you to use caution as you walk. Follow the direction of these signs closely, as you'll lose quite a bit of health, or possibly even die, if you fall.
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After a bit more time, you should reach Camp 2. Here, just like in Camp 1, you can regain any health you may have lost, refill your water bottle, and refill your oxygen tank. Make sure they're all filled to the max before you leave—the trek between Camp 2 and Camp 3 is the longest part of the climb!

On the way up, you'll reach points that require you to climb rather than walk. When you reach one of these points, press and hold E to anchor yourself to the mountain. Then, simply use your movement keys to climb from glowing area to glowing area, making sure to re-anchor yourself as you go along.

You'll also begin to face more challenging obstacles, such as spinning ladders and bridges, as well as exceptionally narrow and slippery paths. Walk carefully as you maneuver across these obstacles and take your time, but also keep an eye on your stats—finding the balance between being careful and being progressive is key! When we made it to Camp 3, our oxygen level was all the way down to twelve, so though it was stressful, it is possible to make it in one go without any extra/special equipment.
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Just like Camp 1 and Camp 2, your stats can be refilled at Camp 3 using any of the necessary amenities.

When you're ready to start the final leg of your climb, leave Camp 3 and continue following the marked signs. As you continue up the mountain, you'll notice that the ladders become more unsteady, the climbing paths more jagged, and the caverns deeper, making it imperative to stay alert at all times! Your oxygen and thirst will also decrease at more rapid rates the closer you get to the summit, so keep an eye on those as well.
When you finally reach the summit, you should see a large flag and a few congratulatory signs. Pat yourself on the back—you made it! Now, snap your commemorative picture and let's do it all again!

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Published: Jan 3, 2023 07:57 am