BedWars is all about strategy—whether you're a rusher or a protector, everyone has their own plan of action that works best for them and ultimately leads them to a win. One of the most common strategies implemented by users of all play styles is speed bridging, or the act of laying a bridge as fast as possible in order to quickly move from island to island. In this quick guide we'll be giving our tips on how to speed bridge successfully.
Getting started
Before a bridge can be created, you'll need to purchase wool from the item store within your team's base. The color of wool that you receive is dependent on your team's color, so don't be alarmed if your wool isn't green like ours—any color of wool will work for speed bridging.
Once you've purchased a hefty amount of wool, walk towards any ledge that you want to build away from. Next, adjust your camera so that you are facing your avatar and zoom out as far as possible. Your view should be similar to the one shown below.

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From here, you'll want to begin walking off of the edge and clicking to place a wool block at the same time—thus creating a bridge for yourself as you walk. The more that you practice this method, the faster you'll be able to move while placing the blocks. This method works best in straight lines, as you'd need to readjust your camera each time that you turn, however it works for any direction!
There are multiple ways to speed bridge in BedWars, as you'll discover by plugging the phrase into YouTube—this method is just the one that we find to be the easiest. Let us know in the comments below any tips and tricks that you have for new players attempting to speed bridge!
Looking for more BedWars content? Check out our guide on how to enable voice chat in Roblox BedWars or our list of all Roblox Bedwars Commands!
Published: Nov 16, 2021 02:05 pm