When you consider how prominent the allure of having the best and rarest pets in Pet Simulator X is, it's surprising to hear that many players don't know how to make their own, including how to make the coveted Rainbow pets. Luckily, we detail all you need to know about the process of making Rainbow pets, including where the Rainbow Machine is located, in the brief guide below.
Pet Simulator X Rainbow Machine Location
The Rainbow Machine can be found in the Mine Biome of Spawn World and is pictured below.

How to use the Rainbow Machine in Pet Simulator X
Note: Before we begin to break down the Rainbow pet transformation process, it's important to mention that, in order to create a Rainbow pet, you'll need to have access to at least one Golden pet. For details on how to make Golden pets, check out the information below. If you already have Golden pets and are just looking for the Rainbow pet steps, feel free to skip past it.
How to make Golden Pets in Pet Simulator X
To make Golden Pets, you'll need to access the Golden Machine, which is located in the Shop biome of Spawn World.

With this machine's menu open, select any pet of your choosing from your inventory to place them in the machine. Unfortunately, creating a golden pet isn't always guaranteed, and the machine is mostly based on chance. The more pets of the same species you place into the machine, however, the higher the likelihood it will successfully output a Golden pet. The full list of odds can be found below.
As can be seen from the table above, if you only put one or two of the same pet into the machine, there's a much lower chance the process will be successful; on the other hand, if you put five or six of the same pet into the machine, you're almost guaranteed to get a Golden pet in return. Whether the process succeeds or fails, you'll lose all the pets you input into the machine when it finishes, so be sure you want to transform them before you start!
How to make Rainbow Pets in Pet Simulator X
Now that you have at least one Golden pet, we can head to the Mine biome and access the Rainbow Machine. This machine works nearly identical to the Golden Machine; the only difference is that it requires more Diamonds to use. The odds for this machine can be found in the table below.
If your transformation from Golden to Rainbow is successful, congratulations—you now have a pet that's nearly 10x better than a standard non-Golden, non-rainbow pet!
Looking for more Pet Simulator X content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the Diamond Hoverboard in Pet Simulator X – Roblox or How to get the Doodle Dolphin in Roblox Pet Simulator X – Secret Barn Doodle Egg Location here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Mar 14, 2023 10:47 am