Royal Legends is a classic point-and-click puzzler with fantasy RPG elements. You’re presented with a series of scenes in which you’ll have to identify and combine objects, using them to open up new areas and secret compartments as you follow the storyline and complete quests. In the first part of Royal Legends 1, Marshes Curse, you were tricked by the Witch and thrown in jail, but luckily you have some allies. Below you’ll find Chapter 2 of our Royal Legends 1 walkthrough.
Royal Legends 1 - Marshes Curse Chapter 2 full walkthrough
This is the second part of my Royal Legends 1 walkthrough, covering you from when you’re thrown in Jail up to when you go through the Druid’s portal to Margeria’s House. If you need help and information on the start or end of the game instead, follow these links to the other sections of this walkthrough:
Note that I’m playing this on PC, so the experience on a mobile may be a little different. Also, note that I’ve experienced several annoying bugs in puzzles in the game, which have sometimes meant I’ve had to skip them as the mechanisms don’t work. However, skipping via a Hint has always worked to get around the bugs and I was able to complete the game.
Breaking Free

Grab the Witch’s Belongings under the bunk (a1), then click the Barrel (a2) and take the Shackles. Select the Bunk (a3) and take the Plank. Click the Window (a4) for a cut scene, after which you’ll get your bag back. Select the bag in your inventory and take the Magnet, Leaf Cup, Corkscrew, and Pendant.
Use the Corkscrew on the Cork on the Barrel (a2), and take the Witch’s Coins and the Cork. Use the Cork on the spike on the Door (a5) to slide open the hatch, then give the Mouse by the Barrel the Cheese that the guard gives you. You can now take the Heavy Boot. Use the Boot and the Pendant on the bricks by the Bunk (a3) where you removed the Plank and complete the simple puzzle (or play match-three) to gain the File. Use the file on the window bars (a5) to escape the cell.
Hide from the guards

Select the Newspaper Stand (b1) and take the Bolt and Seam Ripper from the soil in the plant pot. Then use the Leaf Cup to dig into the soil and take the Door Knocker. Click the Tannery Door (b2) and attach the Door Knocker to it, after which you’ll have access to the Workshop. Don’t miss the Amulet (b3) on the Tannery steps.

Enter the Workshop and select the cupboard on the right (c1). Take the Incomplete Spectacles and Matches. Use the Magnet to open the metal lock holding the top cupboard doors open and take the Feather Duster and Witch’s Coins from inside.
Fix the glasses
Click the table (c2) and use the Feather Duster to clear the glass. Now take the second Plank, Lenses, and Scraper from the table. Take the Which’s Belongings (c3) from the left of the table, then select the Broken Stairs (c4) and use the two Planks to start a simple plank-size puzzle. You can’t go wrong, as you simply need to keep placing a plank until it is straight (some steps combine two planks). Once all are placed, you’ll have access to the Cellar.

Go into the Cellar and grab the Amulet by the barrel (d1), then click the Dumb Waiter (d2) at the back of the cellar, and pick up the Vise Lever. Next, add the Shackles to the chain here and pull the lever to open the metal hatch. Take the Two-Pronged Fork from inside.
Click the Box (d3) and take the Broken Hammer, then use the Two-Pronged fork to open the box and take the Book and Wire from the box. Select the Incomplete Spectacles in your Inventory and add the Bolt, Lenses, and Wire, to make the Spectacles. Use the map to go back upstairs to the Workshop and give the Spectacles to Heinrich. He’ll give you the gloves you need and his Ring.
Get to the Druid’s house
Click the table (c2) and then the Green Bag, use the Ring to open it, then complete the simple puzzle to open it up. Take the Comb, then use the Seam Ripper to remove the leather patch on the inside of the bag and take the Handkerchief.
Head outside to the street and select the Fountain (b4), use the Handkerchief on the broken pipe, and add the Strap that’s by the fountain already to complete the patch-up job. Once the water has drained, take the Awl and the Witch’s Coins from the dry fountain. Finally, use the Scrapper to remove the moss here and take the Coins underneath.
Go to the newspaper stand (b1) and put the Coins in the hand to get the Newspaper. Now go back down into the cellar and select the Fireplace (d4). Add the Matches and Newspaper to light the fire. Once the fire is glowing, click it again to find the items required, or play match-three and get the Pike Pole afterward. Use the Pike Pole to get a Wooden Chip and the second Book from the dumb waiter (d2).
Move back to the Workshop and use the Books on the shelf in the cupboard (c1) to open the secret compartment and take the Fan and a Bent Amulet. Head into the Cellar again, select the Vise (d5), and add the Vise Lever to it. Use the Bent Amulet in the Vise (place the Amulet, then click the Vise Handle) to get an Amulet.
Select the Shelves (d6), take the Witch’s Coins, then use the Amulet to open the draw. Remove the Chalk and Hammer Head and combine it with the Handle and Wood Chip in your inventory to make a Hammer. Head outside, select the Horse (b5) and use the Hammer to fix its shoe. Finally, complete the simple driving game to escape the town.
Stopping the Witch in Marshes Curse

Click the Pond (e1) and take the Tweezers and Cogwheel. Next, click the Rope and Stick on the ground here and add the Comb from your inventory, making a Fork that you can immediately use to move the grass aside. Take the Lily Pad you find under the grass.
Select the Front Door (e2), place the Lily Pad on the floor under the door, and then use the Awl to push the key through the lock. Take the Key from the floor and use it to open the door and enter the Druid’s House.

Once inside, grab the Amulet neat the Witch’s feet (f1) then select the Portal (f2) and take the Uncharged Magic Staff and Wooden Peg. Click the Window (f3), use the Fan to clear the poisonous gas, then take the Witch’s Coins, Note, and Magical Dust. Use the Magic Dust on the Uncharged Magic Staff to make a Magic Wand, and use it on the Witch to save Aldred the Druid. After a cut scene, he’ll give you the Rug Pattern.
Healing Aldred
Click the Loom (f4), add the Rug Pattern, then click the Loom once more for your choice of pattern-matching or match-three. Once complete, take the Rug. Select the Door (f5), use the Rug on the stairs, and go down into the Pantry.

Take the Witch’s Belongings next to the tree stump chair (g1), then click the Cabinet (g2) and pick up the Witch’s Coins, Holly Twig. Apply your Chalk to the Instructions, and then pick up the Recipe.
Select the Chest of Draws (g3) and pick up the second Cogwheels, then put the Recipe on the table here. Follow the recipe, using the red, purple, then green potions here on the Acid bottle, and then take the Acid. Next, click the piece of paper here that’s on the green surface and note what you need to make the Life-Giving Potion.
Click the Desk (g4) and take the Bread. Use the Acid on the padlock to open the drawer and take the Empty Oiler. Then use the Tweezers on the drawer to get the third and last Cogwheels. Next, click the Grandfather Clock (g5) and add the Cogwheels to start a puzzle. You simply have to move the red and blue cogs along paths until they’re in their colored positions, and you can’t fail. Once done, take the Druid’s Hat from the opened compartment.
Go back to the Pond (e1) and place the Druid’s Hat next to the water. Take the Bowl and Saw that appear in the water. Select the Tree (e3), take the Witch’s Coins, then use the Saw to cut the roots and take the Henna and Metal Sponge. Next, use the Wooden Peg to dislodge the stone that’s also in the tree trunk and take the Ruby Eye.
Head down into the Pantry and select the Desk (g4), then add the Ruby Eye to the red book to start a matching mini-game (solution below). Once complete, the book will open, and you can take out the Ribbon, Portal Activation Instructions, and Dragon Scale. Move over to the Chest of Draws (g3) and place the Holly Twig and Dragon Scale in the grey mixing pot to make the Life-Giving Potion. Take it upstairs and give it to Aldred. Now fully recovered, he explains to you how to defeat the Swamp Witch. He also gives you a Griffin Figurine.

Get to Margeria’s House
Go over to the window (f3) and use the Griffon Figure to prop it open, taking the Wrench from the windowsill. Click the bird outside for a close-up and give it the Bread. It will fly off, allowing you to collect the Tree Amulet. Go back outside and use the Tree Amulet to open the Greenhouse (e4). Complete the find-the-difference puzzle (or play match-three) and collect the Berries.
Give the Berries to the badger by the Tree (e3), who will move away and allow you to pick up the Broken Pliers and Cologne. Click on the Barrel (e5) and use the Cologne to get rid of the Bees, then pick up the Brush. Pick up the Sunflower here, too, and put it into the barrel. Place the Empty Oiler under the barrel spout to fill it, then recollect the Oiler.
Head down to the Pantry, select the Cabinet (g2), and use the Oiler and Brush to clean and then open the green box, taking the Seashell and Water from inside. Select the Henna in your inventory and add the Bowl, Brush, and Water. You now have Henna Paint.

Back up in the Druid’s House, place the Portal Instructions and Henna Paint on the Portal (f2). This starts a symbol-combining mini-game in which you need to make the hieroglyphs out of the symbols you’re given (see above for the correct symbols you need). Once complete, you can move through the portal to Margeria’s House, and you’ll have completed Chapter 2 of Royal Legends 1, Marshes Curse!
If you want to continue with this walkthrough, click Royal Legends 1 Walkthrough, Chapter 3 to get the next section here at Pro Game Guides!
Published: Jun 19, 2023 09:41 am