Traits are crucial, influencing decisions for everything from your Sim's marriage to their career. Here's what you can do to remove those traits and how you can add new ones for your Sims!
How do you remove a trait for a Sim in The Sims 4?

While playing The Sims 4, aspects of your Sim's life (such as their family dynamics and traits) can affect the decisions that they make. This means you may feel the need to change a trait to something else in order to alter your Sim's personality to your liking. If you want to remove a trait in The Sims 4, you'll need to edit it in Create-a-Sim.
But first, you will need to enable this editing via your cheats command console. To do this:
- Type Ctrl+Shift+C and look for the white text box in the top-left of the screen.
- Write testingcheats true into the box and hit Enter.
- Type cas.fulleditmode into the same box and select Enter.
- Go to a household Sim and hit Shift on your keyboard at the same time that you click on the Sim (Shift+Click). Choose the option that says Modify in CAS.
- From here, click the X in the corner of the hexagon with the trait you don't want. Now the trait is gone!
How do you add traits in The Sims 4?
You can add traits for your Sim by using the same method you used to remove a trait. After enabling cheats and turning on cas.fulleditmode, find a household Sim to Shift+Click on. Choose to Modify in Cas. Edit the traits as you see fit for any Sims in your household. When you're finally done, make sure you click the checkmark in the bottom-right to return to your game and get to play your new and improved Sim!
Dying to read more about The Sims 4? If so, check out How to play Sims 4 offline or Sims 4 Graveyard Location (Map) on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 8, 2023 09:17 am