In Starfield, players have their hands full with exploring the vast galaxy, collecting resources, and meeting new characters by completing missions, like Akila Run. This is a side quest that presents the player with two distinct objectives to reach. Here's everything you need to know about the locations and characters to interact with during the Akila Run mission in Starfield.
How to start the Akila Run side mission in Starfield

To start the Akila Run mission, speak to Mr. Sood in Hopetown which is located on the planet Polvo in the Valo System. He will ask you to smuggle a package which is basically a Contraband item into Akila City. Upon smuggling it successfully, your task is to deliver the package to Tom Starrett.

However, carrying Contraband while entering the orbit of a planet in the Settled Systems is considered illegal. Before you enter the planet, your spaceship will be checked by the space authorities of different factions like the UC Security or the Freestar Collective. If you have contraband on the ship, the scanner will detect it immediately, and you will be forced to pay a bounty and give up your illegal items.
How to carry Contraband in Akila Run side mission in Starfield

In Starfield, players will find various Contraband items like Harvested Organs, Stolen Artwork, and Aurora, during their exploration. Although carrying Contraband is considered illegal in the game, there are a few ways in which you can carry them safely into Akila City to complete this side mission.
Players can attach a Scan Jammer or Shielded Cargo to their spaceship. To get both these ship modules, visit the vendor Lon Anderssen at The Red Mile located at Porrima 3 (Porrima System). Speak to him to get access to the Ship Builder menu. From there, you can attach Shielded Cargo modules, and Scan Jammers onto your ship.
Alternatively, players can also purchase Shielded Cargo from Jasmine, another vendor located at the Key Space Station. However, buying it from her will require you to join the Crimson Fleet Faction first.
While doing this mission, I noticed that the Shielded Cargo modules have a specific weight capacity which means your Contraband should not exceed that limit. Other than this, you should also unlock the Deception skill which comes in handy as it reduces the effectiveness of the scans that are conducted while entering any planet.

Either way, once you attach the Shielded Cargo to your spaceship, you can carry a certain capacity of Contraband and it will go undetected by the authority checks. Once you have entered Akila City, find Tom Starret, and deliver him the item to conclude the side mission.
To find more on Starfield, check out Starfield – How to Turn Hank into Security (Red Tape Reclamation) and The best way to complete the No Sudden Moves quest – Starfield here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 19, 2023 01:08 pm