Stranded Deep is a hardcore survival game where your harvestable natural resources may save you from starting a brand-new game. Keep reading below as I'll provide the best Stranded Deep seeds, whether you're a beginner or a veteran in the game.
Best Seeds for Stranded Deep on all platforms
Beginner Friendly Seed

Seed Number: 78787878
This seed offers an amazing starting island with lots of trees, mineable rocks, potatoes, scraps, cloth, and even a boatload of shipwrecks surrounding the player in the early game. There's also a nearby island filled with cuttable trees, making it the perfect area to build your base. The bosses are on the upper left side of the map (i.e. The Meg and Eel).
Overall, if you're looking for a beginner-friendly map, I recommend starting with this one as it has plenty of resources so you can easily survive the first few weeks in the game.
The Demon Seed

Seed Number: 666
Despite its scary number, the Demon Seed is a very decent starting point, even if you're a beginner. The starting island is near four shipwrecks, where you can search for loot to get a head start. In my experience, I mainly found backpacks, tires, a few rations, and even a spear, saving me a lot of resources and materials instead of crafting these items.
The starting island is no pushover either, with lots of land space, allowing you to establish a solid base with lots of farmable materials as well. I encourage you to take care when exploring nearby islands, as The Meg's location is on the lower left side of the starting island.
The Wrecked Seed

Seed Number: 17395022
The Wrecked Seed isn't some horrible seed you should avoid; I only named it the Wrecked Seed due to the amount of shipwrecks near the starting island. During my playthrough, I saw about four shipwrecks, which is not exactly impressive, but upon further exploration using the console command, I noticed that all nearby islands from the starting area also have around three to four shipwrecks nearby.
If you're into scavenging shipwrecks, the Wrecked Seed is for you. I highly recommend you to take this seed on even if you're a beginner, as you'll be getting a large amount of resources to jump-start your adventure.
Nature's Wonder Seed

Seed Number: 27395984
I branded this seed as Nature's Wonder due to the vast amount of resources you can gather on the starting island. The starting area has Yuccas, Coconut Trees, Potato, Quwawa Fruit, Pipi, Wavulavula, Ajuga Plant, Aloe, Rock Deposits, Wood Pile, and Cloth.
Aside from the abundant resources within the island itself, there are medium shipwrecks surrounding the starting island, along with a large shipwreck. You can also find a few red cargo containers within the vicinity of the island, allowing you to possibly gain late-game items as early as possible.
Cluster Island Seed

Seed Number: 33848453
As the name suggests, a number of large islands surround the starting area, making it an ideal seed for new players of Stranded Deep. With the nearby islands, you're guaranteed to have multiple sources of natural loot to build your base early on. You can also find a few shipwrecks around the starting area, allowing you to gain more resources for your adventure.
Exploration Seed

Seed Number: 55980793
If you're the type of player who loves to explore the entire map, this seed is for you. The bosses are far away from each other, as well as resource-heavy islands, encouraging you to explore as much as possible.
The starting island is nothing special, with a few shipwrecks and plants, meaning you have to prioritize building a raft if you want to survive. However, it's still a decent area to begin building a simple base.
Speedrun Seed

Seed Number: 34523452
Speedrunners will love this seed due to the location of the bosses on the map. The starting island also has a decent set of resources, ranging from Yucca plants, a few pieces of cloth, and your standard palm trees. There's also a large shipwreck nearby, allowing you to gather more starting resources before diving into boss battles.
Archaeologist Seed

Seed Number: 47986332
If you're trying to get the Archaeologist Achievement in consoles for Stranded Deep, this seed has the most consistent easter egg island locations. The photo above shows what islands are most likely to contain the three easter eggs for the achievement. If the easter eggs are not available on the island, I recommend creating a new world with the same seed until you get all three easter eggs on the encircled islands.
Related: How to get water in Stranded Deep
Bakwudzbutcher's Birthday Seed

Seed Number: 01031987
As I was scrolling across Stranded Deep's Reddit, I stumbled upon a post by Bakwudzbutcher, who mentioned their birthday happened to have one of the best resource-filled starting islands. Upon verifying the information in-game, I discovered the starting island has a decent size, along with a couple of shipwrecks nearby, allowing you to easily scavenge for resources early on in your playthrough.
Overall, this is an amazing seed discovered by using a specific date for the seed number. I recommend you try out your own birthday, as you may discover an amazing seed that will help you in the early game.
Side Bosses Seed

Seed Number: 49326609
To clarify, there are no actual "side-bosses" in this seed. Rather, it places the main bosses on all sides of the map. This setup is ideal for people who like to explore all islands within their playthrough, giving them enough materials and resources to overpower each boss battles. Other than that, the starting island is generic and bland compared to others within this seed list, so I only recommend this seed for players who are looking for a longer-than-usual playtime.
How to change seeds in Stranded Deep
With the best seeds in your pocket, you may be wondering how to change seeds in Stranded Deep, as the game doesn't initially tell you what seed you're on in your first playthrough.
Do note if you decide to change seeds while you have an ongoing playthrough, you'll have to start from scratch. Follow the steps below to change seeds in Stranded Deep:
- In the main menu of the game, choose Cartographer.
- Select Create New World.
- You'll receive a warning about deleting your existing save file with a text box for the seed number. Type in any of the seed numbers above or copy and paste them.
- Press OK, and start a new game.
For more guides in Stranded Deep, check out How to stop bleeding in Stranded Deep right here in Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 15, 2024 10:06 am