If you got the pre-order of Super Robot Wars 30, you're probably excited to use the Cybaster and itsit's pilot Masaki Andoh in your game. Masaki and the Cybaster first appeared in Super Robot Wars II and returned to the series in SRW 30 as a pre-order bonus.
But to unlock Masaki and his feline companions, you’ll have to play the game a bit. The first step is to complete up to Mission 4 of the Earth Route. This means starting your game with any character at Far East Region Ominato.
Related: What’s the difference between starting areas in Super Robot Wars 30?
Complete the introduction mission and the first two missions that unlock Combattler V and Brave Police J-Decker.
Next, during an intermission, you’ll need to complete The Elemental Lord's mission in the Mission’s section. Once you've completed this battle, you’ll have access to Masaki Andoh and his mech, the Cybaster.
If you’ve started from the Space Route, L3 Colony Elion, don’t worry! You can still unlock the Cybaster, but just a little bit later. Once you’ve completed seven missions and headed to earth, you’ll be able to unlock the Elemental Lord mission and access the Cybaster. In the meantime, you can unlock the SRX and Ryusei after Mission 4 in space.
Want to get your hands on the Cybaster and didn't pre-order? Check out Can I still get the pre order bonuses for Super Robot Wars 30?
Published: Oct 29, 2021 09:14 am