There are currently ten allied races in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, and unlocking each one entails completing a faction-specific campaign and earning various achievements. Luckily, unlocking allied races has never been easier since the exalted reputation requirement was erased, saving players lots of time that would otherwise have been spent grinding.
Note: You'll need to have reached level 50 of a faction corresponding to the allied race you wish to unlock.

Alliance Races
- Dark Iron Dwarves: earn the "Ready for War" achievement by completing the campaigns in Kul Tiras and Zandalar
- Kul Tiran Humans: earn the "A Nation United" achievement by completing the 8.1 Alliance War Campaign
- Lightforged Draenei: earn the "You Are Now Prepared!" achievement by completing the Argus storyline
- Mechagnomes: earn the "The Mechagonian Threat" achievement by completing the Patch 8.2 storyline
- Void Elves: earn the "You Are Now Prepared!" achievement by completing the Argus storyline
Horde Races
- Highmountain Tauren: earn the "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" achievement by completing the Highmountain storyline
- Mag'har Orcs: earn the "Ready for War" achievement by completing the campaigns in Kul Tiras and Zandalar
- Nightborne: earn the "Insurrection" achievement by completing the Suramar storyline
- Vulpera: earn the "Secrets in the Sands" achievement by completing the Vol'dun storyline
- Zandalari Trolls: earn the "Zandalar Forever!" achievement by completing the 8.1 Horde War Campaign
After each earned achievement, you'll need to complete a conclusion quest to officially obtain the allied race of your choice.
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Published: May 21, 2021 02:07 pm