The not-so-long drive to level 70 has finally been completed, and you're ready for the endgame in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. There are two routes to take, PvE or PvP content. Both will require preparation. For those that derive their thrills from hunting their fellow players, the first step will be to acquire some PvP-focused gear. To do that, you'll need to find the PvP vendors.
Where are the Conquest and Honor Vendors in World of Warcraft Dragonflight?

Players will need to visit the Gladiator's Refuge in Valdrakken of Thaldraszus. Specifically, they are located at 44.85, 37.22. The Conquest Quartermaster will begin stocking his wares when Season 1 kicks off on December 12, 2022. From there, the stock will be updated with each new season. The honor Quartermaster sells a wide range of wares beginning at ilvl 340 and having five different upgrade levels. In Arenas and Battlegrounds, this will scale up to ilvl 411 by default.
Related: How to get the Windborne Velocidrake mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight
Weapons start at 875 Honor and range up to 1750 Honor. Armor ranges from 525 Honor to 875 Honor, with trinkets, cloaks, and other accessories sharing a similar range. It's not a bad set to start with, and dedicated players can get geared up with only a few days of average playtime. Those who want to set aside time can knock it out even quicker.
For more World of Warcraft goodies, check out How does Renown work in WoW Dragonflight? on Pro Game guides.
Published: Dec 2, 2022 01:40 pm