For a few classes, the Potent Robe in Baldur's Gate 3 serves as a near irreplaceable piece of loot. However, it is very, easy to miss, and there are a number of factors that could lock you entirely out of acquiring it. It wouldn't be a guide if I didn't explain how you get it, so let's get started.
Where to get the Potent Robe in Baldur's Gate 3 (Location)
The Potent Robe is the quest reward for the Save the Tiefling questline that begins at Last Light Inn in Act 2. There, Alfira (X:66, Y:141) gives you the task to save a number of her kin that have been captured and sent to rot within Moonrise Towers. Simple enough, but the complication comes from making sure the right NPCs stay alive and story triggers aren't activated too soon. So, let's talk about the requirements to see this through to the end:
- Alfira must survive - The quest giver and the one that gives you the Potent Robe reward. If she dies for any reason, you're cut off from the reward for that playthrough. Additionally, Alfira can be met during Act 1, among the tieflings taking refuge in Druid Grove. At all points from the moment you meet her, she can be killed off. Be mindful of this when taking actions that could result in an unfavorable outcome for the tieflings.
- Dark Urge players: Alfira's life can be spared if you non-lethally knock her out prior to the concluding camp scene at the end of Act 1.
- Lakrissa must survive - Lakrissa is among the captive tieflings being held, and she is close to Alfira. She must survive until she reaches Last Light Inn; she can be killed during the prison break encounter, so make sure to protect her until she escapes with the rest.
- Last Light Inn must remain protected from the Shadowfell - If the shield falls for any reason, everyone within the sanctuary will die, including Alfira.
- Must be early in the Moonrise Towers Main Story - Progressing the story too fast will cut you off from being able to complete the Save the Tieflings questline (permanently).
Once Lakrissa and the tieflings escape to Last Light Inn, return to Alfira and speak with her. She will be overjoyed about Lakrissa's return and offer you the Potent Robe as a reward.
What does the Potent Robe do in BG3?

The Potent Robe is the ultimate chest piece for any spellcasters that utilize Charisma as their main spellcasting stat. The stats are:
- Gregarious Caster: Cantrips deal extra damage equal to your Charisma Modifier.
- Welled-Liked and Well-Fortified: At the beginning of your turn, grants you temporary hit points equal to your Charisma Modifier.
- Extra Armor Class: Gives you one additional Armor Class (AC) on top of the base amount.
Related: How to Reach the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3
Potent Robe is incredibly potent in general, but the cantrip buff makes it best in slot for Warlocks relying on Eldritch Blast as their main source of damage. The boost stacks with the Agonizing Blast Eldritch Invocation, and other gear that may boost cantrip damage further, such as the Spellmight Gloves found in early Act 3.
For more helpful guides and useful information on Baldur's Gate 3, check out Best Illithid Powers in BG3 – All Illithid Powers, Ranked right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 15, 2023 05:29 am