New code added!
Borderlands 3 is one of the most popular loot shooters on the market, and for a good reason. This title has a seemingly endless supply of gear for players to track down and add to their collection, especially for those willing to take the time to enter a few Shift Codes!
You'll find all the active Borderlands 3 Shift Codes below, so make sure to look at all of the available codes. Players can redeem shift codes for skins, cosmetics, Golden Keys, Diamond Keys, and more. The most common rewards in Borderlands 3 for Shift codes are Golden Keys, which players can use to open the Loot Chest on Sanctuary III for some sweet free guns, grenades, shields, and class mods.
For more on Borderlands 3, be sure to check out some of our other pages: Borderlands 3 Money Farming Guide, All Typhon Log Locations in Borderlands 3, and Borderlands 3 Best Builds – Top Builds for All Characters & Classes!
Borderlands 3 Shift Codes List
Borderlands 3 Shift Codes (Working)
- SRFTJ-Z9BR3-3J3TJ-JT3JT-RS6C5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (New)
- S6FBB-KST63-TTTBB-3BTT3-CTK93—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SXFTJ-3ZT6T-JJTTB-JBJ3J-XZCFJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SR6TJ-HXJFT-JJTJT-BBJBB-K5BK6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- S66J3-FRTX3-3J3BB-BBTB3-WTTHZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFRJJ-CRTXB-JBBB3-JBJT3-XKSH6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HFF3J-TRBFB-B333B-JJ3JT-9ZFZH—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZXX3J-ZWJX3-BT3TJ-BT33J-X3WCT—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- Z663T-XCJF3-B3B33-B333J-SJCTZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96XBB-WWTXJ-33BBB-3333J-5HSJJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRXJT-3KTX3-BT3J3-33TJB-XWZKW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HX63J-9JT63-BJBTB-TB333-RZXFW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HRFTJ-XBB63-33T33-TB3JB-H5W59—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFFB3-KTXSB-333JJ-3B3J3-JX5FH—Redeem for 10 Golden Keys and 3 Diamond Keys
- ZX63B-9SZWT-3BBJT-J33JJ-H9KJ6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFRJB-RZSK3-JBJTB-J3B33-ZK5SB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96RBT-ZTC33-T3T33-JT3BT-9BHZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFXBJ-6BFJB-TJ3BT-BJ3J3-RCHWX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6FTB-35R33-J333B-JTB3T-K5HJX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SR63B-995B3-TBTBT-B333J-5H6CX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SF6T3-5BRJ3-33JB3-TBJJJ-5JZWX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9XRJJ-T9C3J-BJTJT-T3BB3-WR55R—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6FBB-RHKJ3-BTJJB-J3BTJ-3KWZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HXX3T-H5W3T-TTBTB-T33TT-C369T—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- SXFBT-39953-J33TT-3T333-KSHW6—Redeem for 50 Golden Keys and 10 Diamond keys
- WS5JB-K9KHH-WRC6S-FJ3JT-ZZZZK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- 59KBB-95FSS-WRKRH-FJJJ3-KT6K6—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- CSWTB-TZCZH-WFC6Z-633TT-SJ6JS—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- Z6XJT-X9F3B-BJJBT-TJ3BB-X6TR5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9F6JT-KXXTJ-BJBB3-JTJT3-TWHFZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HRX3T-65XTJ-TB3TT-TBTBJ-SX3C3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZX6TJ-S3633-BBBJB-BBTJJ-WXZSB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SF6T3-CSWJ3-333JJ-TTTB3-CB3F5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
Borderlands 3 Shift Codes (Expired)
These codes are no longer available and can't be redeemed anymore.
- H6RJB-RW533-TTJBJ-BJJJT-JW53S—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6RJ3-K9RT3-TT3JJ-T3JBJ-SWW9H—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96RBT-ZTC33-T3T33-JT3BT-9BHZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SRRTJ-JTHJT-BTTT3-JJB3B-CZWRK—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SXFTJ-R6XT3-3JBJ3-BT3B3-ZJJRW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- Z6XJ3-SBRCT-BBJ33-BT3JJ-5RHTK—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HR6TT-S65BT-B333B-B3JBB-93CCW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6RTJ-3C5TT-T3TJJ-3B3JJ-3JXBW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRRJB-JRWBJ-3J33B-T3B3B-6WXJZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HFX3T-C553T-TJTBT-TBTBJ-KB9JF—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9FX3J-SXRBB-JJBTT-3TTBT-63HJZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- S6RBJ-HH6BT-JBBTT-333T3-RJ5KC—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HR6TJ-5TZ3T-TJJBJ-BBB3T-KCFSH—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRRJ3-TH63J-BTJ3T-T3T3T-R5RH3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFX3J-R3W3B-TBTB3-TBJBJ-C5BTR—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRX3J-W3CJ3-3JB3T-TJJBJ-3JCBX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HRFTT-TJC33-JJ3B3-BBJ33-R96ZB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96633-99BBJ-BJTBJ-J3TB3-WCZHS—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZFR3B-S6653-T3T3J-TBJ3J-ZB3WH—Redeem for 2 Diamond Key and 3 Golden Keys
- HRRJT-XSTJB-J3TT3-3TT33-RZB93—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- Z6FJT-JZTBT-JTBTJ-3B3JT-R6H5C—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZX6TB-S6J33-BTTT3-BTBB3-ZHX5T—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9XFTT-RXJBJ-TB3JT-BBB3J-SWX9K—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6FT3-KRTBJ-JJJB3-BTJJT-WWKTC—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HX63J-TCXKB-33BTJ-TBBJJ-FTB5H—Redeem for 1 Diamond Key and 3 Golden Keys
- SX6TT-JXTBB-TJT3T-BJJBJ-CZRJ5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- ZRFBB-HKJ33-3TBJ3-JJTTB-5F5BF—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6RTB-6KJTJ-3BTBB-3JBB3-X3FH5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- S6RTT-CCBJJ-TT3B3-BB3T3-W3WZ3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 4C10S-8HKD3-H5HKS-3S6S2-S5S9H—Redeem for 5 Diamond Keys
- H6RBT-3KB3J-JJTBJ-B3T3B-3XCTW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9F6TJ-HBT3B-JTTBJ-TJT3J-RRWB5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 3BXTB-Z5CSB-F5355-3BJ3J-C69TK—Redeem for a selection of Keys
- 6RRBJ-C33BT-BJJ3T-J3TJ3-SHC5B—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- C9WTT-6JXTR-WS3RW-H3TTJ-HFWS9—Redeem for 1 Diamond Key
- CS5TJ-HJXB6-WSTRC-Z3T3J-W5TTZ—Redeem for the Hellshock Weapon, 1 Diamond Key, and 4 Golden Keys
- 59CTB-CBXTF-59BF5-SBTBB-ZFFZS—Redeem for the Hellwalker Shotgun
- TJRB3-CKZRB-F5JK5-B3BBB-3FZC9—Redeem for 3 Skeleton Keys
- W9CBB-593TJ-XRWF9-RBJ3T-TK6BT—Redeem code for Three Golden Keys
- KSWJJ-J6TTJ-FRCF9-X333J-5Z6KJ—Redeem code for Shrine Saint Head (Amara)
- KSK33-S5T33-XX5FS-R3BTB-WSXRC—Redeem code for Saurian Skull Trinket
- WSCBT-R5BB3-66KX9-F3JBT-ZW3JK—Redeem code for Pilot Punk Head
- KZKJB-C5BTT-RXW69-XJ33B-5JRBS—Redeem code for Super Mecha Head
- CSW33-HBBJB-R65XH-XJTJ3-CT963—Redeem code for Guardian Head
- KHWTB-3CBJB-6XWFZ-6B3BB-T5CCJ—Redeem code for Null Value Head
- CZKTB-6BTJ3-R6KRZ-6B3TT-RX5ZH—Redeem code for Gray Matter Head
- CS5JB-CTTBB-FFWXZ-FJ3BT-TC6R3—Redeem code for Daemon Head
- KZKBB-5HZ9S-CFKR9-RJ3T3-JBTK6—Redeem code for Arachnoir Head
- K95BT-B99H9-CX5XH-RTJB3-C6SJX—Redeem code for Skagwave Head
- CZ5JT-HFH99-KXKRZ-6BTJJ-BS5WB—Redeem code for Saurian Synth Head
- CZ5JT-HFH99-KXKRZ-6BTJJ-BS5WB—Redeem code for Saurian Synth Head
- WZK3T-XXZHH-KFK6H-6J33T-S959T—Redeem code for Ratch Ratch Rider Head
- ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H—Redeem code for Three Golden Keys
- 5H533-9XT3T-FXWFZ-RJTTB-6FXKJ—Redeem for 10 Gold Key and 1 Diamond Key
- KSWJJ-J6TTJ-FRCF9-X333J-5Z6KJ—Redeem for Shrine Saint Head
- KSK33-S5T33-XX5FS-R3BTB-WSXRC—Redeem for Antihero Head And Saurian Skull Trinket
- KZKJB-C5BTT-RXW69-XJ33B-5JRBS—Redeem for Super Mecha Head and Ball and Head Trinket
- WZK3T-XXZHH-KFK6H-6J33T-S959T—Redeem for Maurice's Community Carnage
- CZ5JT-HFH99-KXKRZ-6BTJJ-BS5WB—Redeem for Maurice's Community Carnage
- K95BT-B99H9-CX5XH-RTJB3-C6SJX—Redeem for Maurice's Community Carnage
- KZKBB-5HZ9S-CFKR9-RJ3T3-JBTK6—Redeem for Maurice's Community Carnage
- ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- WZK3T-XXZHH-KFK6H-6J33T-S959T - Redeem for Ratch Rider Head
- 5SW3B-65J9S-5FKXH-633T3-TK9CF
- W9KBJ-B9Z6Z-56CXH-XTB3B-RR53X—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- 5H5TJ-ZRHX9-CRKFS-RT3BT-5T6ZT—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- W9CTT-F6SFZ-KFW6Z-XJJTJ-X39J9—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- WZWB3-K6S69-5FWF9-RTJTB-KSRSZ—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- 5HWTJ-JFS69-WR5XS-FBTTJ-99HWH—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- CS53T-6CS6H-WXC6H-6TBTB-9TJ56—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- CZ5B3-5WSFH-K6C6Z-R33BB-RFXTC—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- KS5JJ-Z3S6S-K656H-XBB3B-ZJT6B—Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- 5Z53B-XT96S-C65FS-RJJBJ-JWJ5C—Redeem code for 3 gold keys
- KSCJB-KJSFS-5FCF9-RTT3J-6KJFB—Redeem code for 3 gold keys
- WH5BB-SZXR9-CFCX9-633JB-CT3HC— Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- KSCJJ-CZ6R9-5R5FH-RBB3T-5SKKB - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- CZ53T-XFXFH-5RW69-6TTB3-XS5ZW - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- WSCBB-BFCZZ-WX56Z-RJJBJ-S3WCW - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- WZK3T-KK6RH-C6C6S-FT3JT-R3X5H - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- WZWJ3-SJ66Z-WRW69-XJJBJ-3C95X — Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- 59WBB-FSWR9-KFC69-R3B3B-3FKST - Redeem code for Reinskag ECHO skin, Snow Globe ECHO skin, Candy Cane ECHO skin, a Mercenary Day Trinket, and Festive Vestments Player Skins.
- WS5JB-JBRRS-KFWF9-6B3JB-T66J5 - Redeem code for Legendary Atlas Pistol
- K95JT-HWCFH-5FKR9-RJTBB-HWJ36 - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- K9CTB-5FTRH-KXWRH-FJBJ3-TKKTJ - Redeem code for 5 Golden Keys
- KZ5TT-6BB6Z-WF56S-XBBBB-RH6SF - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- 5HWJT-K3TFZ-WFCFS-R3J3J-5TCCB - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- KSK3T-BJ3RZ-C6WF9-FT3BJ-36RCK - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- KHWT3-FSSWH-WXC69-FTJBJ-5TWSW - Redeem code for 3 Golden Keys
- WZCTJ-KZZCH-KXCF9-RT3TJ-6WWK9 - Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- C9WJJ-BZSW9-5XC69-XTTBJ-S9JJR - Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- WHCJB-XF9C9-KFWXS-XJT3T-3RTKR - Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- CHWJ3-XKHCH-K6KXZ-XT3TT-6HB66 (5 Golden Keys)
- WH5TT-CWZ5Z-WXWR9-63BB3-ZWBR3 (3 Golden Keys)
- CB53B-WJTTJ-HJCZC-HBK3T-F3RX5 (3 Golden Keys)
- CTKB3-3TTB3-ZTWH5-9T5JJ-3TSH9 (3 Golden Keys)
- 5SKTJ-3CSKZ-WFCF9-6BJ3T-WC96W (Conference Call Legendary Shotgun)
- 5JCTJ-FZSHK-R9R6Z-5RBTB-KKJZT (10 Golden Keys)
- CBWT3-B99HW-6SFX9-5FJJB-J39KJ (3 Golden Keys)
- 5BKBB-KZ9SK-69R69-5F3TT-RK5RC (3 Golden Keys)
- C3KTJ-WF9SK-F9F6H-56TT3-CZ6FR (10 Golden Keys)
- CTWJB-H5HSW-R96RS-5R3BB-H33K5 (5 Golden Keys)
- CTWBT-RKZZ5-6S6XS-WR33T-RHZ59 (3 Golden Keys)
- C3KJB-3H9HZ-63KZW-9BKJB-WZRCR (5 Golden Keys)
- KBWBJ-W5HH5-RZXF9-KXB3T-JRBRJ (3 Golden Keys)
- C3C3B-BB9SS-FTKHK-ZTWTB-99CRX (10 Golden Keys)
- ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)
- 9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)
- HXKBT-XJ6FR-WBRKJ-J3TTB-RSBHR—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent, Steam Only)
- Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)
- ZRWBJ-ST6XR-CBFKT-JT3J3-FRXJ5—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)
How to Redeem Borderlands 3 Shift Codes
How to enter Borderlands 3 Shift Codes
You can redeem keys via the following options:
- Borderlands Website (Shift > Redeem Code)
- In-Game via the Social Menu
Once players redeem keys, they'll show up in your Mail menu in Borderlands 3. Head to your social menu to retrieve them.
Why my Borderlands 3 Shift Codes don't work?
Borderlands 3 Shift Codes come out randomly and expire shortly after that, so bookmark this page and check back often to avoid missing out on these exclusive rewards. Pro Game Guides updates this page regularly, and you can see the last date this page received an update below.
How to get more Borderlands 3 Shift Codes
Bookmark this page for more Borderlands 3 Shift Codes, as we'll update it as soon as new rewards appear. Follow Gearbox's Twitter account @GearboxOfficial for info on Shift Codes here. Randy Pitchford, the CEO of Gearbox Software, often gives out keys for Borderlands 3, so you might want to follow him on Twitter @DuvalMagic to ensure you don't miss any freebies!
How to get Golden Keys
You can get Golden Keys via Borderlands 3 Shift Codes. These Golden Keys open an otherwise locked chest on Sanctuary III for exclusive rewards, including guns and gear for your class that drops at your character's current level. Head back to your flying base if you get a few of these keys and want to exchange them for some rare rewards. If you've got a Diamond Key, you'll need to head to the map room and visit a hidden compartment below the stairs to redeem this rare consumable.
How to collect Golden Keys/Rewards
To collect codes for Golden Keys in Borderlands 3, press the pause button and select the Social menu. Move your cursor to the envelope icon at the top of your screen and push it to visit the Mail menu. From here, you should be able to collect any Golden Keys you've obtained!
What are Shift Codes?
Shift Codes are items that players can use in Borderlands 3 to acquire several types of exclusive items and gear. While most Shift Codes give Golden or Diamond Keys, some offer rare and limited cosmetics to customize Vault Hunters further. Gearbox shares Shift Codes at random, and the Borderlands social channels give them out as seasonal rewards for events. You'll need to have a Shift Account to use the keys, so sign up for one.
For more Borderlands content, visit our other articles on Pro Game Guides like Borderlands 3 Moze Heads List – How-to Get & Where-to Find!
Published: Mar 21, 2025 12:02 am